
Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Ladies List Wrongs in Monroe, 1916

“Eggs,” from the June 16, 1916 issue of The Monroe Journal. The paper had two columns entitled “Eggs” and I have combined them below. The title seems to refer to an old custom of throwing a rotten egg at someone or something as a form of protest.
Man (supposed to be), “Does your wife belong to that Woman’s Club? No indeed! I’d rather see her dead than have her join.”
“These women had better be at home sewing buttons on their husband’s clothes.”
Some non-members riddle the Woman’s Club for all it’s worth because they think it is responsible for the enactment of some of the city ordinances. Say these non-members: “They better be at home ‘tending to their children.”
A traveling salesman came to Monroe not long since, got off the train and looked about. Said he, “I don’t like the looks of this place. The conditions around the station are not very inviting. I don’t believe I can sell this town anything in my line.”
His goods were of the highest class, so he boarded the train and passed on to a more attractive place. First impressions are most lasting and the conditions around the station are certainly not attractive to traveling salesmen, home seekers or manufacturers. If we are asleep on the job there are other towns that are wide awake.
There are a great many towns in North Carolina no larger than ours that are more attractive, more progressive, and new people are going there. There’s no reason why Monroe couldn’t get in line. A little effort, a little time and some money spent in the right way would put us right up with this class. Right here is where the Chamber of Commerce is going to step in and do things. All hail to the Chamber of Commerce! Long may it live; to be the greatest blessing in a material way that Monroe has ever had. Every business man in town should be an active member and do all in his power to lift Monroe out of the rut.
“The man who will not lend his brains, his energy and some of his money to the efforts of his fellow citizens in directing the constructive efforts of his fellow citizens in directing the constructive forces of his community along the course that is best for the city as a whole, is not a useful citizen. No man has the right to refuse his support to a community movement any more than the community has the right to refuse its protection to any man.”
A committee from the Woman’s Club, with the major and an alderman, made a sanitary survey of the city about two months ago and found the following very unsanitary places in town.
A really dangerous drain ditch about two feet deep near Mrs. Hargett’s residence in east Monroe. Drains from bath tubs and sinks stagnating on Windsor street, Church street and Hudson street. The surface closets and comfort conditions at the graded school is a disgrace to any decent town. The burnt block on Main street, now being used for a dumping ground and other various conditions calculated to cuase malaria and other diseases.
Monroe is the only city that bears the unusual distinction of having a guano warehouse right near the square from which the most disgusting odors go out according to the course of the wind.
It is said that vagrant negro prostitutes walk our streets and congregate around the depot at train time. Why is it our police force is inadequate or incompetent to cope with this situation? These women ought to be locke dup or put to work; they will injure the good name of our city.
The sanitary conditions in some parts of our city are fearful. The stench that comes up from the direction of Bryan street and around Central Methodist church is something fearful.
We want to know very emphatically why the aldermen don’t enforce the ordinance requiring sewerage to e installed in the sewage zone. Numerous individuals had to spend hundreds of dollars installing sewerage and certain favorites were allowed to openly violate this ordinance. They were quietly granted immunity. This is an injustice to those who have complied with the ordinance. Not only should the others be forced to comply at once, but the sewerage zone should be still farther extended so as to take in certain very unsanitary places in the city.
There are certain streets that ought to be extended. Sanford street ought to be extended from Lancaster avenue to the G.C. & N. railroad. Washington street ought to be extended from from the cemetery to Crowell street. Crawford street ought to be extended from New Lawn to the intersection of Windsore, Franklin and McCauley. Burke extended to East Franklin and Houston to M.K. Lee’s.
We would suggest that the city fathers cut expenses, quit wasting so much money and save some for permanent streets and park work on a more economical and efficient scale.
We are going to stick out for the conservation of our shade trees.
The main thoroughfare, Hayne street, just back of the Sikes’ stable is blocked nearly all the time. It is used as a blacksmith yard, a warehouse and storeroom. The same street just across from the Methodist church is occupied by old wagons all the year and Sunday too. There is a city ordinance against this.
It is a shame the way the auctioneers, negro bands, emancipation crowds, voters and healers are allowed to trample the lawn of our courthouse square. We insist on stopping it and protecting our lawn.
The carnival, consisting of an aggregation of gamblers, women of doubtful character and other crooks, is very degrading. The Chautauqua, consisting of numerous valuable lectures, very excellent musical entertainments and scientific teachings, is very elevating. Hereafter the Women’s Club will vigorously oppose any effort to bring the corrupting carnival to our town.
We have it on good authority that some merchants are selling cigarettes to minors. We are going to insist on some detective work and some prosecution in this matter. In fact, we think the next Legislature ought to be petitioned to stop the sale of cigarettes in Monroe and in Union county.
The ladies of the woman’s Club suggest that all meetings of the city officials be made public and be held in the court house so that all our citizens may have the opportunity to attend in the interest of public questions.

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