
Monday, June 13, 2016

'Things Personal and of a General Nature' Column, High Point, June 1, 1916

"Things Personal and of a General Nature,” from the front page of the June 1, 1916, issue of The Review, High Point, N.C.
--Vote Saturday. Remember the Main point--to show your disapproval of being disfranchised last year.
--Next stop--primary Saturday.
Supt. and Mrs. Thornwell Hayes leave today for a visit to Mrs. Hayes' mother, Mrs. Bowers, at Prosperity, S.C.
David Steinhofer of Havana, Cuba, is visiting at the home of Dr. H.C. Pitts, having accompanied Darrell Pitts here from Atlanta. The gentleman from Cuba is contemplating spending part of the summer in this city.
Lest you forget--don't forget to be loyal to your town industries, where you and your daddy or brother makes his living. And this calls to mind that there are no better brands of flour than the White Frost or Eclipse, made by the High Point Milling Co.
Memorial Day was observed here Tuesday by the post office and the banks.
Married Sunday morning Miss Lelia Epps and Horace Miller at the home of the bride on West Green street, Rev. F.L. Fiddler officiating.
Three nurses from the High Point hospital, Misses Kelly, Nichols and Anderson of High Point, passed the Board last month.
Durham gets the 1917 Federation of Women's clubs.
J.B. Rector, manager of the Langren hotel at Asheville and one time in charge of the Elwood, will assume the managership of the Selwyn at Charlotte.
Oscar Cunningham, brother of Mrs. H.W. McCain, died at Waxhaw Saturday, aged 19 years. Heart leakage caused the death.
Miss Marguerite Kirkman has returned from Converse College.
Dr. J.C. Rowe of Salisbury is visiting his son Rev. Gilbert Rowe.
W.F. Ellis, formerly with Allen Bros., will travel for a New York lace concern, having North Carolina and Virginia as his territory.
Wanted At Once--Girl to do cooking and house work. Reference exchanged. Apply Mrs. C.E. Wagner, 404 Grimes Street.
J. Allen Austin is president; J.R. Barber, secretary of the High Point township Sunday school convention, being named at the meeting Sunday afternoon at Wesley Memorial M.E. church.
Chas. L. Thompson and family of Mocksville and Mrs. Walton Watkins of Lexington motored over from Mocksville and spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. H.U. Oakes, Mr. Thompson's sister.
The friends of W.G. Burnett of Atlanta were pleased to see him on the streets this week.
You can now be vaccinated free against typhoid fever at Dr. H.W. McCain's office between the hours of 1 and 3 and 7 and 8 p.m. There are no bad after effects and it is a positive preventive against the disease.
C.S. Carrol has purchased the bowling alley from Kirkman and Dyer on South Main street.
Rev. Gilbert Rowe preached the Y.M.C.A. sermon at Guilford College commencement Sunday night.
Messers. A.M. Rankin, V.W. Idol, H.A. Garrett, R.T. Pickens and C.A. Cecil have returned from Zanesville, Ohio, where they attended as delegates the General Conference of the M.P. church. Messers. Rankin, Idol and Pickens served on important committees. The matter of uniting with M.E. church was brought up and the M.P.'s are favorably inclined and now think the next move is up to the Methodist Episcopals.
Wondering how the Boy Scouts have been making out the past few days of copious rains?

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