
Friday, July 22, 2016

11 Men Passed Examinations, Now Qualified to Use Police Radio Patrol System, 1939

“Eleven Men Pass Tests Qualifying for Police Radio” from the Tuesday, July 25, 1939, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

Personnel to handle the police radio patrol system approved yesterday as an official part of the local department’s equipment will be picked from a list of 11 men qualified through examination, Chief of Police Carl Stanford indicated today.

All but one of the dozen officers submitting papers in an examination two weeks ago passed requirements satisfactorily, according to a report forwarded here from Durham by examining officials.

At a later date, Stanford said, the exam may be given to other members of the department in order to ensure adequately qualified replacements, and any appointments made at the present time will be merely on a temporary basis.

The radio system was formally accepted yesterday afternoon at the completion of technical and practical tests, and will be put into operation almost immediately.

The set-up will require nine qualified men in addition to Chief Sanford, in order to have one man in each of the two patrol cars on all of the three shifts, and a qualified man on the desk on each of the three shifts.

Those given passing examination marks are Chief Stanford; Capt. T.J. Davis, Sergt. J.T. Winningham, Sergeant Ed. Ausley, and Officers A.H. Garner, Jack Hall, J.L. Craven, R.L. Barham, H.T. Hanna, L.W. Poteat and E.D. Poe.

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