
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

C.W. Gaither to be Secretary-Treasurer of Newly-Incorporated Auto & Gas Engine Works, 1920

“Leaves Rail Road for the Auto” from the July 23, 1920, issue of the Elizabeth City Independent.

Elizabeth City gains and Hertford loses a valuable citizen in C.W. Gaither who has come from Hertford to Elizabeth City to take the office of secretary-treasurer of the Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc., of which he is a stockholder. Mr. Gaither is 42 years old and this is the second job he has held in his life. He went to work for the Norfolk Southern R.R. at Hertford when he was 12 years old and when he was 21 years old he was holding down the agency for the company and doing the telegraph trick at that point. He had become so identified with the Norfolk Southern that he might have remained a fixture if his brother W.G. Gaither, cashier of the First & Citizens National Bank of this city, hadn’t convinced him that Elizabeth City is a better field for pep and perseverance of the Gaither variety. Mr. Gaither entered upon his new duties last week and will remove his family to Elizabeth City as soon as he can find a home for them. The Auto & Gas Engine Works was recently incorporated and its officers under the incorporation are W.P. Skinner, president; T.J. Jones, vice president; C.W. Gaither, secretary-treasurer.

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