
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Gov. Hoey Urges 4-H'ers to Remain on the Farm and Remain in North Carolina, Probably 1938

Hoey Urges Farm Youths to Remain on Farm, in State. Clyde R. Hoey was governor of North Carolina from 1937 to 1941, when he became a Senator. North Carolina State College is now called North Carolina State University and it is in Raleigh.

Raleigh, July 25—(AP)—Governor Hoey urged 1,035 farm boys and girls today to stay on the farm, remain in the state, and aid in building a greater North Carolina.

“There is a greater opportunity on the farm today than ever before,” Governor Hoey told the young people at their first general session of the 25th annual 4-H short course at North Carolina State college. “The privations of farm life are being greatly reduced.”

Archie Prevatte, a Robeson county farm boy who heads the state 4-H organization, introduced the governor, and after the governor’s speech pledged him the support of the 4-H clubs in building a great state.

The governor upheld the sales tax as the only means through which each citizen contributes to the administrative, educational, institutional and welfare branches of the government. He told the young delegates in brief where the state gets its money, how much from each of the main sources, and where it is spent.

Conferences and class instruction occupied most of the day, with songs and games planned after vesper services tonight.

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