
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Rev. Sidney Love to Speak on "The Daughter Thou Gaveth Me" 1914

From the Thursday, July 23, 1914, issue of the High Point Review

A lecture will be delivered by the Rev. Sidney Love, Secretary of the Carolina Prisoner’s Aid Society, his subject being, “The Daughter Thou Gaveth Me.” This lecture will give a descriptive account of the life of a Salem girl now serving a term on one of our county farms. It is thrilling, interesting and instructive. The lecture will be delivered on purpose to show the need of passing a law to pay wives and children of prisoners money earned by the convict.

Rev. Sidney Love is recognized as one of the best orators in the State. The lecture is for men only. No charges for admission and it will start sharp at 5:00 p.m.

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