
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Revivals at Glenhope and Belmont Baptist Churches, 1939

Revivals at Glenhope and Belmont Baptist Churches from the Tuesday, July 25, 1939, issue of the Burlington Daily Times-News

Rev. G.W. Swinney Conducting Revival in Chatham County
Rev. G.W. Swinney, pastor of the Glenhope Baptist church, began a 10-day revival at the Hickory Grove Baptist church in Chatham county last night.

The Glenhope pastor, who for some time has been doing quite a bit of evangelistic work, began his 19th consecutive week of revival meetings with this series of services.

Bookings have been made to occupy the pastor’s entire time from now through the first week in November.

Rev. Wayne Curtis Conducting Revival at Belmont Church
Rev. Wayne Curtis is conducting a series of revival services at the Belmont Baptist church, and large groups are attending, it was announced today. The revival operated on Sunday night, and will probably continue for two weeks.

The musical portion of the services is being conducted by Bill Burke and Eddie Wiggs, and is a special feature of each meeting.

The public is invited to the services held each night at 7:30 o’clock.

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