
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Stameys Enjoy Country Dinner and Family Reunion, 1914

“Pleasant Outing Sunday” by W.L. Stamey, Editor and Publisher, from the Thursday, July 16, 1914, issue of the High Point Review. Wouldn't you love to sit under that big tree and listen to these folks talk about their lives? 

The editor with his family Sunday attended a family reunion at the home of his aunt, Mrs. J.T. Herrin, four miles north of Greensboro, on the Burlington road.

An old fashioned country dinner was served out in the open, under a big tree and surrounded by nature’s wonderful painting of trees, grass and flower.

The guest of honor was Mrs. Belzorah Stamey, mother of the editor’s father, the late Rev. P.F.W. Stamey, who though 86 years has a very few grey strands in her hair and is sprightly as the average woman of 50.

Those attending and enjoying the day immensely were Mrs. Dr. E.L. Stamey of Greensboro; Mrs. J.T. Herrin, daughter of grandma Stamey; Dewey Herrin of Winston, grandson; Master Paul and W.L. Stamey Jr., great grand sons, of High Point; Dorothy and Mamie Frances Stamey, grat grand daughters; Mrs. W.R. Wix and daughter of High Point, grand daughter and great grand daughter respectively; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Dodson and daughter, neighbors; Mr. J.T. Herrin. Dr. E.L. Stamey, a son, was prevented from attending owing to urgent duties at home. There are six of Grandma Stamey’s children still living; some 40 grandchildren, and about 30 great-grandchildren. She will visit awhile in Greensboro and nearby points and later come on to High Point, and probably go to Lincoln and Catawba counties to renew acquaintances of 50 years ago.
Grandma Stamey is a sister of Supt. Thornwell Haynes’ father.

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