
Friday, August 5, 2016

Flooded 'Watauga Will Be Cared For' Promises Newspaper Editor, 1916

“Watauga Will be Cared for,” from the editorial page of the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., August 3, 1916, R.C. Rivers, proprietor

The good Old North State is acting nobly in her efforts to provide for the destitute in the flood-swept sections within our borders, tens of thousands of dollars already having been raised by Greensboro, Charlotte, Winston-Salem and other cities and towns in the State. 

Our sister county of Caldwell, who has suffered so fearfully from the effects of the flood, has taken the situation in hand, and will care for her own people, courteously refusing any outside help, for the present, at least. In the Mortimer and Edgemont sections of the county, there are 19 families, representing 110 people, who are, temporarily, on the charities of the people. The people of Buncombe county are also taking care of their unfortunate sufferers. 

The stricken people of Wilkes were the first to receive outside aid, and probably needed it the worst. But, what we started out to say, is, that when the first news of the terrible destruction wrought in the western part of the State, and an appeal for national aid was made, Watauga was in the list of destitute counties for which an appeal was made. Watauga, to be sure, has received the hardest blow ever, but conditions are not so bad, by a great deal, as they were first considered. ‘Tis true the loss in crops, etc., has been considerable, but fortunately no homes were wrecked, and all still have a good fighting chance for a living, as the demand for labor just now is great, and if, perchance a little help is needed, the generous hearted people of this God-favored county will come to their rescue, which they are eminently able to do. 

To be remembered by friends in the outside world, when we are considered in want, is indeed gratifying, and how it is appreciated can never be expressed, but at this juncture we are pleased to announce to the big-hearted philanthropists who were endeavoring to contribute to our needs, that it is not needed; in fact, we believe that it is the duty of Watauga, when we consider how doubly blessed we have been through the fearful ordeal, to contribute to the relief of the stricken in other counties, where homes, crops and lands were carried away by the rushing waters. Watauga is all right yet, but for the majority, the next year will doubtless be hard enough to demand the most rigid economy we have ever known.

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