
Monday, August 29, 2016

Local and Personal News from Wingate in the Monroe Journal, Aug. 15, 1916

“Locals and Personals from Wingate,” from the Monroe Journal, August 15, 1916, Monroe, N.C.

Fine refreshing showers continue to visit our locality, much to the delight of fearful and pessimistic ones.

The moving picture show here Saturday night was well attended and proved quite interesting to the audience. The knowledge gained by these illustrations of various diseases will prove of great value to all who appreciate its full meaning.

The people are gathering to the academy this morning to receive their third treatment of the anti-typhoid vaccination. This is a wise and prudent step and should be taken advantage of by all hwo are subject to this most dreaded and fatal disease.

Protracted meeting is in progress at Meadow Branch this week. There will be two services each day, one at 11 o’clock a.m., and one at 2 o’clock p.m. Pastor Black will do most if not all the preaching. A hearty welcome is extended to every one.

Mr. T.M. Davis and family of Robeson county are visiting the family of Mrs. Davis’ sister, Mrs. M.S. Humphrey of Wingate.

Wingate and Stallingsville crossed bats on the former’s ground Saturday afternoon, resulting in a score of 2 to 1 in favor of the Wingate boys.

Mr. Ira B. Mullins of Lumberton and his cousin, Miss Mary Mullis, are visiting at the home of Mr. Mullis’ mother, Mrs. Tinie Mullis. Miss Mullis, who has been preparing for foreign missionary work, will sale for her chosen field next month.

Miss Naomi Davis, a former student, has returned preparatory to entering the Wingate School for the approaching term.

Mr. Judge Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Austin of Sincerity, who belongs to the reserved list of the U.S. standing army as provided in a recent act, will leave today for Atlanta to report for duty.

Dr. Lovill of Fairmont was in town the later part of last week prospecting for a location. The probability is that the doctor will decide to locate within our borders. The doctor, like all other worthy comers, will receive a hearty welcome among us.

Mesdames W.T. Cutchins and A.M. Lentz of Norwood and Mr. Lisk of Mt. Holly are visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. Y.M. Boggan. Miss Mary Boggan, who has been taking a summer course at the State Normal, has just returned to her home in Wingate.

Miss Margaret Benton of Wadeville, N.C., is visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. McWhirter.

Sherman Doster (colored) was accidentally shot in the neck by Rosa Garmon (colored) Saturday night. While the wound is painful and came dangerously nigh being made a subject for a funeral, it is not considered necessarily dangerous. The parties are tenants on Mr. Pernay Stewart’s plantation. Rose didn’t know it was loaded, of course.

Mrs. Dallas Simpson is right sick with acute indigestion.

His friends are pleased to find Mr. M.S. Humphrey able, after being laid off for some days, to resume his duties at the Wingate Drug Store.

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