
Friday, August 26, 2016

Old North State News From Watauga Democrat, Aug. 3, 1922

From the Watauga Democrat, August 3, 1922 issue

Condensed News from the Old North State

Hickory—News has been received here of the burning of a storehouse, mill and stock of goods near Zion Lutheran Church, this county, with a total loss estimated at between $2,000 and $2,500.

Winston-Salem—Quincy Lee, who conducts a barber shop here, received a letter this week signed K.K.K., which very naturally disturbed his equilibrium. The writer notified Lee to dispose not only of his barber fixtures, but his household effects “at reasonable price” and get out of town within 30 days.

Durham—Manager Lee Gooch of Durham ball club, announced the purchase of Second Baseman Cary of the Norfolk (Va.) League club, and the signing up of Pitcher Charlie Caroll, former Trinity College star.

Hickory—Although crops generally in this section are unusually good, the farmers report that frequent showers have caused watermelon vines to grow to large size with few melons, and the output is expected to be rather small.

Fayetteville—James Williams and Rufus Murphy, Negroes, are being held for the grand jury here on charges of murder growing out of the killing of Henry E. Smith, another Negro, at a barbecue in the southern part of the county.

Kinston—International and national health experts will assist the Woodmen of the World in locating the fraternity’s new sanatorium for tubercular members, according to Elisha B. Lewis, who has returned here from a session of the order’s heads in Western Carolina.

Raeford—Hoke County has stepped up another notch in the last 60 days. The farmers mean business. Enough of them have signed up with the Co-operative Marketing association 20,000 acres of cotton. Already they have bought a site and employed a contractor to erect a modern warehouse for the use of the association.

Burlington—As a result of an affray between Floyd Miles, a Negro who lives near Ossippee, and his wife, the man is in a local hospital with a bullet in his body and not expected to recover. It is alleged that Miles attempted to give his wife an old-time beating and had not proceeded far when his wife got a gun and stopped him by firing a bullet into his body.

Statesville—Clarence Moore was seriously if not fatally injured when east-bound passenger train No. 36 struck and demolished the Gulf Refining company’s truck which he was driving.

Burlington—This city has one of the lowest electric light rates in the state. At a recent meeting of the board of aldermen and officials of the Piedmont Power and Light Company, an agreement was reached whereby the rates were reduced for electric current, the reduction to become effective September 1.

Lumberton—The fruit and vegetable crop in this section is a bumper one. However, the producers are finding local sales and at satisfactory prices. Many fine melons are being offered on the market here. The major portion of the fruit crop is being used locally.

Wilson—Wilson County’s $250,000 bond issue to provide a new courthouse and jail was defeated in an election recently by a margin of 30 votes. Early indications were that the bond issue had carried, but the vote from the outlying townships almost solidly against it turned the tide.

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