
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Women Across N.C. Give Butter and Egg Money to Help Build Conference and Training Center at N.C. State University, 1974

Extension Club members across the state were behind the establishment of a continuing education building at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. Here’s the planning committee in 1974, (from left to right around the table) Bessie Rushing, Juanita Lagg, Eloise Cofer, Ada Della Pozza, Mrs. Obed Castelloe, Billie Walker, and Zelo English. Donating their “butter and egg” money—dollars raised by selling butter, eggs, and other farm products—they helped build the Jane S. McKimmon Extension and Continuing Education Center on the NCSU campus. Jane S. McKimmon, as the first state home demonstration agent, helped form the first Tomato Clubs and Home Demonstration Clubs. Take a look at the center that bears her name.

McKimmon Center when it was first opened.

McKimmon Center today.

This jobs fair for engineering students at N.C. State University was held at the McKimmon Center.

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