
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

News Across North Carolina, Sept. 8, 1910

“State News” from the Caucasian and Raleigh Enterprise, September 8, 1910

Heavy rains last week worked havoc at Asheville. The electric light plant was put out of business, the streets were flooded and in some places completely gutted, and for two days train service was completely held up.

--Chief of Police Russell of Raeford has been acquitted in the Superior Court at Fayetteville of killing a negro whom he had arrested for a minor crime and who attempted to escape. The State asked for a second degree verdict.

--Car Inspector W.T. Hogue was killed in the Southern Railway yards at Spencer last week, his body being frightfully mangled. He was standing between two cars when an engine backed them together, catching him between the bumpers.

--Robert Carney, white, janitor of the Southern building at Wilmington, fell down the elevator shaft and sustained injuries that may result in his death. His little child was a witness to the accident and summoned help.

--The tobacco market has shown up well, prices being higher than they were for a similar period last year, and equaling the high prices of two years ago. Growers were expressing great satisfaction. Most of the leaf now coming in is of inferior quality. The crop is late.

--A baby, living but two hours after birth, the child of William Burgess of Durham, has been the cause of considerable comment to-day. The child has a single eye with small eyes combined in it and place for nose far above it. Such anomaly has not been seen by doctors.

--During a terrific electric storm which passed over the southern section of Rowan County Saturday afternoon, Ferrie Gibson, colored, aged 19 years, was instantly killed by lightning. While the storm was severe no other fatalities are reported, though it is said much damage was done to growing crops.

--It was Capt. J.G. Hollingsworth of Fayetteville who was injured in the auto accident at Richmond Friday morning, instead of C.J. Hollingsworth, as stated in the special from Richmond. Captain Hollingsworth is a popular military officer, and it will be gratifying to his friends to learn that he will recover.

--Capt. James Ireland of the little schooner Amelia, laden with a general cargo, came into port at Beaufort from Norfolk, having sailed the vessel home without any crew. When he removed the hatches it was found the vessel had leaked, causing $500 damage to the uninsured goods.

--A petition is being circulated and freely signed asking Judge Boyd of the Federal court to set aside the verdict in the case of Mr. Craft and N. Glenn Williams, both having been convicted at a recent term of court at Greensboro on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the government in the post office at Williams, Yadkin County.

--Mrs. Thomas P. Wilcox, wife of the ex-Sheriff of Pasquotank County, and mother of Jim Wilcox, who is now serving 30 years in the State penitentiary for the murder of Nelle Cropsey, died at Elizabeth City last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Wilcox had been ill for some months and has been a great sufferer. The principal cause of death, it is said, was a mother’s grief over the plight of a wayward son.

--After much criticism on the part of the state press, Willie Medlin, the crazed would-be suicide, has been admitted to the State Hospital for the Insane. The authorities there at first refused to receive her, alleging there was no room, in spite of the fact that a half of the million dollars has been expended on these institutions during the past few years. The unfortunate woman has been confined for weeks in the common jail at Raleigh.

--Editor John M. Julian of the Salisbury Post is very ill with pellagra. Mr. Julian is one of the ablest newspaper men in the State, and his serious condition is a matter of great regret to his many friends.

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