
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Rufus Suite Shoots and Kills the Wrong Man, 1910

From the Caucasian and Raleigh Enterprise, September 8, 1910

Durham, N.C., Sept. 6—Deputy W.P. McDade of Hillsboro, who came here to-day for Walker Calvin Hendrix, charged with burglary, brought the story of a homicide in which Ed Garrett died as the result of being shot by Rufus Suite.

The murder is made all the more deplorable by reason of the fact that Suite shot the wrong man. It occurred yesterday afternoon near a spring, eight miles from Hillsboro. An old feud between Suite and another Garrett, a cousin of the victim, resulted in the resumption of trouble. Yesterday when Suite singled out his supposed victim, he fired squirrel shot into his body, causing death 20 hours later. He has surrendered.

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