
Sunday, September 25, 2016

S.H. Farabee Praises Fallen Aviation Ace Kiffin Rockwell, 1916

Editorial by S.H. Farabee, the Hickory Daily Record, September 26, 1916
In giving his life for the cause of France, Kiffin Rockwell, who joined the French army from North Carolina, has not died in vain. He has paid back to the French people a part of the debt we owe to LaFayette and other heroes who strove for American independence. Rockwell is not the only American youth who has responded to the call of France. Bleuthernral and Thurman, southern football stars, are today rendering great aid to the republic across the Atlantic.
Rockwell’s fame will not die. As great as will be the grief of his mother in Winston-Salem, she has the consoling thought that her son died fighting for the right. What better end could have come to this bold youth?

Americans of all shades love or admire France. To her the most sympathy is extended in her great trial, for her most prayers are offered. If Rockwell has caused the flame of patriotism to burn brighter among the French, if his death has rekindled in the American people the warmth they here always felt for their friends across the sea, then he is a martyr. He is not dead; he cannot die.

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