
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

'Talk of the Town' in Henderson, N.C., 1905

“Talk of the Town” from The Gold Leaf of Henderson, September 14, 1905

Mr. R.A. Crockett, former chief of police, has gone to Franklin, Pa., to take a position in that city.

Mrs. Clifford Massenburg of Hampton, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. I.P. Stainback, in Henderson.

Mrs. J.E. Wearn of Charlotte is visiting her parents, Captain and Mrs. J.T. Elmore, in Henderson.

Misses Mary and Belle Bullock of Williamsboro were here yesterday going to Charlotte where they have secured positions.

Mr. Gus Roth, wife and children left yesterday for New York, Mr. Roth to buy new goods and Mrs. Roth to visit relatives.

Miss Ethel Dorsey has returned from a pleasant visit of two weeks among relatives and froends at Houston and South Boston, Va.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch expresses the opinion that when oysters arrive it is time for straw hats to take their winter vacation.

Miss Irene Betts has returned from a two months’ stay in the Western part of the State spent at Asheville and elsewhere in the mountain region.

Mr. Clifford Bullock left yesterday for New Haven, Conn., after spending a month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Bullock of Williamsboro.

Mrs. R.P. Watson and children of Wilson, who stopped in Henderson to spend a few days with relatives on their return trip from the Western part of the State, left for their home Friday.

Mr. A.S. Johnston of Raleigh has taken a position as drug and prescription clerk at Dorsey’s drug store, succeeding Mr. Webb who returned to Roxboro to engage in business for himself.

Misses Jennie and Junie Dunn have returned from a two weeks’ trip to West Virginia and Ohio. Their brother, Capt. Joe Dunn, of the Norfolk & Western Railroad, gave them the trip and they enjoyed it greatly.

A good seven-room house and lot situated on the corner of Chestnut and Horner streets is offered for sale cheap on easy terms. Size of the lot 100 x 200 feet. For further particulars apply to E.L. Haskins or J.L. Currin.

Mrs. Sue Williams of Oxford came over last Thursday to attend the meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Circle of the Presbyterian church and spent the night with Mrs. Rosa Bryan. Mrs. Williams is president of the Circle in Oxford.

The granolithic sidewalk in front of the court house is a big improvement, one in which every citizen and tax payer of the county has a proprietary interest and pride. The County Commissioners are to be commended for having this work done.

Returning from New York, where she had been to buy a new stock of millinery goods for the firm she is with, Miss Lottie Stainback stopped over in Henderson last week to spend a few days with the family of her uncle, Mr. L.D. Stainback, before going to Albemarle.

Capt. J.S. Poythress has bought a new outfit for sawing wood and is better equipped for the business than ever before. He will also have a machine for splitting wood in operation and will thus be in position to furnish his customers with wood ready for the stove when it reaches their house.

Miss Marie Manning went to Durham yesterday to take a course at the Conservatory of Music, which under the direction of Prof. Gilmour Ward Bryant and a strong faculty has won a high place among the foremost institutions of the kind in the south. Mrs. Manning went with her and will return today.

The handsome 14 light oil lamp chandelier heretofore used in the Presbyterian church is offered for sale. In perfect condition with new burners and practically as good as new. Cost originally $100 but a sacrifice bargain may be had in it by some church or public hall. Apply to J.R. Rankin at Samuel Watkins’ store or at this office.

Mr. J.H. Daniel has gone North this week to buy new goods and post himself on the condition of the hardware market. No man watches the market more closely or keeps himself better informed as to prices, and this is one of the secrets of Daniel & Co’s success in the hardware business and the low prices at which they are enabled to sell goods.

The Insurance Department of Citizens Bank in changing its advertisement this week calls your attention to one of the many ways—lamp explosions—dwelling houses are destroyed by fire. This agency represents a strong line of fire-tried, conflagration-proof companies, and can protect you against any such loss. See Mr. James W. Horner, manager, and talk the matter over with him.

Mrs. John S.E. Young and “little Jack” arrived last Thursday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stephens, and will be here a month or two. Lieut. Young, who is stationed at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., near St. Louis, is well, and his friends hope he may be able to come out and give them the pleasure of a cordial handshake and sight of his soldierly physiognomy while Mrs. Young is here.

Some of the ladies are finding amusement and exercise in the bowling alley. In order to meet the wishes of those who desire to play, Mr. Strickland decided to set apart certain afternoons—Mondays and Fridays, from 4 to 9 o’clock—for the special benefit of ladies and their escorts. No others are allowed the use of the alleys when the ladies are bowling and undesirable spectators are prohibited.
Mrs. Edwin Stephens went to Raleigh Friday and when she returned on the sho-fly train that evening, Liza, the polite and attentive maid at the waiting rooms, wanted to send her on to Oxford. Mrs. Stephens says she goes away on the train so seldom that she is not recognized when she comes back, but Liza excused herself by saying she was “so dressed up and looked so ‘purty’ she didn’t know her.”

Mr. B.W. Spencer, who has been telegraph operator at the Southern Railway station here for several years, left yesterday morning accompanied by his wife and child for Winder, Ga., which place they will make their home, he having been appointed operator of the Seaboard Air Line Railway at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer leave many friends in Henderson and there is regret at their going away.

Put your business cares aside for one day and make the advent of the Great Van Amburg Show a holiday. The only big show coming this year, coming on its own special trains and will pitch tents in Henderson on Saturday, Sept. 23rd. Don’t fail to see the grand free street parade in the forenoon.

The Graded Schools opened Monday with an increased attendance. At the central school there were 45 more than last session while the number at both the cotton mills was also larger, as was the case with the colored school. Altogether there are 150 or 175 more children in school within Henderson township this session than there were last term, and the enrollment on the opening day is never as great as it is later on. This is a gratifying indication. It shows that the community is growing and increasing the population and that people are taking more interest in sending their children to school.

Mrs. Edward N. Fuller and son, Alwyn Eccles Fuller of Burkley, Va., who have been visiting friends in Henderson are now on a visit to Mrs. John MacMillan, have been joined by Mr. Fuller, who is enjoying at Mrs. MacMillan’s his first vacation in six years. Mr. Fuller met Miss Cora Eccles, one of the most popular and becoming young ladies of Vance county, at Mrs. MacMillan’s about seven years ago, and after a short but persistent wooing, induced Miss Eccles to change her name. Mr. Fuller is in charge of the extensive foreign and domestic shipping and shipping insurance interests of the Fosburgh Lumber Company, a prominent lumber manufacturing concern in the North Carolina pine industry.

Capt. J.T. Elmore, road master of the First Division of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, has been appointed General Road Master of the entire system. He will have jurisdiction of 2,700 miles of trackage and will report direct to the General Superintendent. This is a new office and the promotion is a deserved one. Capt. Elmore is a capable and experienced railroad man—one of the best in his line of business—and stands high in the estimation of his superior officers. The promotion came to him unsought, merit alone counting in his favor.

Capt. J.W. Dempsey, road master of this division, with headquarters in Petersburg, will succeed Capt. Elmore. His headquarters will be in Henderson. Another good man the recognition of whose worth signalized by his promotion is gratifying to his friends.

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