
Friday, September 9, 2016

Ties Sheets Together To Escape Criminal Insane Department of State Prison, 1922

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Richmond County, September 7, 1922

Raleigh, Aug. 30—Dr. J.W. Peacock, prominent physician of Thomasville, escaped from the criminal insane department of the State Prison today by sliding down a rope made of bed clothing, from his cell on the third floor of the prison. Peacock was tried for the murder of Police Chief J.E. Taylor of Thomasville and acquitted on the ground of insanity and was committed to the insane department of the prison following the trial.

Peacock left a note addressed to the keeper of the department of criminal insane saying, “I hate to leave on my vacation without telling you good-bye.”

Supt. Pou immediately offered a reward of $400 for Peacock.

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