
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Rowan County Extension Homemakers' Achievement Day, 1985

 “Rowan Achievement Day,” by Mary G. Acoyth, Council President, from the Tarheel Homemakers, January-March 1986 issue

Mrs. W.F. (Mozelle) Parker, 1986 NCEHA president, was speaking for Achievement Day, Oct. 21, 1985, in Rowan County.

The strength of North Carolina Extension Homemakers lies in the dedicated membership, Mrs. Parker said. She congratulated Rowan members for completing numerous programs and services during the past year and challenged them to continue to bring new people into the organization.

“Organize new clubs,” she told about 175 present. “You are the shakers and movers in your county. You can accomplish the things you want to do—just believe in what you are doing, show pride in being an Extension Homemaker.”

Greetings were extended by Rowan Extension Chairman Harold Cadill and County Commissioners Chairman Hall Steele, who elaborated on the status of the new Agricultural/Emergency Center now under construction.

A special feature was the performance of the newly organized 18-member Rowan County Extension Homemakers Chorus. The chorus will participate in the 1988 NEHC Conference in Charlotte.

Gene Sunding, coordinator of volunteer services at the VA Medical Center, thanked EH members for the volunteer work rendered at the center in Salisbury.

The county VEEP winner was Rose Holshouser, who also received an A&P Leadership Award at State Council. State CVU winners were Judith Austin, Rebecca Cozart and Ruby Parris. Cultural arts contest winners were recognized.

Rowan County has gained 56 new members since January. To inspire the 27 clubs to work toward membership gains, the county council offered an award to the club gaining the most. Southside and Enon tied and will have their name engraved on a membership plaque to hang in the new Agriculture Building. Addie Miller was recognized for recruiting five new members in 14 months.

Best County Program of Work report award, a Revere bowl, went to Jimmie Winecoff.

Recognition was given to 27 50-year members and four 50-year clubs.

Juanita Lagg received special recognition for her many years of work on the county, district, state and national levels. Donations to the Cancer Fund totaled $1,022. A memorial was held for five members who died during the past year.

The $300 HE Scholarship went to Samuel B. Goodman.

Among the activities carried out were: Adopt-A-Student, which hosted a student from Indonesia; child safety seat buckle-up clinics; overview study of the U.S. Constitution; participation in the Home/Living Show sponsored by the Extension Service; Mayfest sponsored by the United Arts Council; Open House with proclamation and balloon launch; and a yard sale which netted $563.05.
Awards and recognitions were presented by Amelia Watts, Extension liaison agent; Ann Miller, first vice president; and Mary Aycoth, county council president, who also presided over Achievement Day.

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