
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Social News From Blowing Rock, North Carolina, Oct. 29, 1914

 “Blowing Rock Breezes” from the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C, Thursday, October 29, 1914

After an absence of a little over three months, your correspondent is happy to be back “at the old stand” reporting for Watauga’s good weekly, but by no means “weakly” paper, and he “makes his bow” to the audience before him, hoping that they, one and all, have had a pleasant and profitable summer.

Returning too late in the season to witness the exodus of visitors, which grand parade usually takes place in early September, owning to the opening of the schools, your correspondent was pleased to find quite a number of the cottages and bungalows lighted up at night, showing that the lingerers were with us yet, among them artists waiting for the splendid autumnal tinting of the forests when Dame Nature, a wonderful artist herself, paints the most beautiful pictures ever seen with the bluest skies, the grayest cliffs, the brownest grass, the most vivid coloring of the forests which, not even our most noted visiting artists having a nation wide reputation can copy.

Among the “loiters” upon the mountain are the Edwards of Washington, the Boughers of St. Louis, the Perkeys of New York, the Mackays of Raleigh, the Stringfellows of Anniston, the Millers of Winston and several well known individuals who love Blowing Rock and remain with us until the Storm King and his hosts of “fighting men” attack the summit of the Blue Ridge and drive the down-country folks to the shelter of their homes in the milder clime and more balmy atmosphere than old Watauga can afford for the six months between ruddy October and flowery May.

The Ingle House, Grand View House and Watauga Inn, popular all-the-year-‘round hostelries, have their quota of “lingerers,” among those at the last named hotel the following: Mrs. Bessie Patterson who has, for the winter, closed her charming bungalow “Hidden Water,” the Indian name there for the both unspellable and unpronounceable to the ordinary mortal not an authority on Indian names, Mrs. Patterson to spend the Winter in Baltimore and other Southern cities; Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Stringfellow, who, having closed “Chetola,” their beautiful home here, are stopping for awhile at the village Inn before leaving for their winter’s sojourn in New York City; Mrs. Miller and her three charming daughters, the Misses Margaret, Catherine, and Antoinette, who spent the season at Green park and have been at the Inn during the Autumn before returning to their home in Winston-Salem; Mrs. Guyot, whose husband was the noted historian and scientist whose books were studied by many a student a generation ago and her nieces the Misses Tucker of New York, who with their Aunt have been at the Watauga since spring, perfectly charmed with this beautiful region, if possible the most beautiful in the “Land of the Sky;” Prof. John S. Williams, who with Miss Hayes of the A.T.S. are teachers of the Public School here, Miss Hayes is also a guest of the Inn.

Dr. Brooks has returned from a short visit to Greensboro and is ready for medical duty, though we all hope to keep well.

The Brass Band of this town is doing admirably, and delighted the audience gathered to hear Mr. Doughton speak at the school house last week, your correspondent, noting the vast improvement between their “struggling” days in early Summer and their present masterful rendering of difficult musical compositions, patriotic airs, sacred songs and plantation melodies given with skill and pleasing harmony not usually attributed to the amateur bands of our small towns. The boys have shown what talent and zeal can do when guided by a master like Prof. Harbin of Statesville and his teaching put into practice by the boys of our town.

Considerable building is going on here, among others an alteration to the dwelling owned by Mr. Henry C. Hayes, our prosperous merchant and authority on Bee Culture, Mr. J. Lee Hays, well-known builder and contractor in charge of the work; while Mr. W.L. Crisp, our big-hearted citizen is building a house on Ransom street; Mr. Dock Hartley putting up a dwelling near the Reformed Church on the Goforth Road, other construction work to be done in the near future by our popular builders, Messrs E.B. Ward, John Benfield, Joseph White, LeRoy Bollinger and others.

Mr. LeRoy Bollinger, beside being scout master of our camp of Boy Scouts, organized the season by Mrs. W.W. Stringfellow, has instituted a much needed industry—the making of all kinds of furniture from our native woods—a business which Mr. A.G. Peoples has found profitable, having the honor of being Blowing Rock’s pioneer in that line, his father, for years having manufactured furniture and curios at Roan Mountain, Tenn., the work of Mr. J.L. Kincaid of Dearfield, this county, not to be overlooked, for, as Mr. Elliott Dangerfield testified, “Kincaid was an artist.”

The friends of Mrs. George E. Coffey, wife of our popular townsman and plumber, will be glad to know that she is recovering from a severe attack of illness, thanks to our good local medical adviser and Dr. Jones, consulting physician, who under the instruction of the Great Physician have helped bring her thus far on the road to recovery, thanks due mainly to the “giver of all good and perfect gifts,” health one among the greatest, the very greatest “charity.”

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