
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election and Other News From the Cherokee Scout, Nov. 8, 1904

“Editorial Notes” from the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1904

The city of Winston-Salem was visited Wednesday by a terrible accident. The north wall of the reservoir burst with a roar and millions of gallons of water swooped down upon 50 houses adjacent, drowning 13 people and injuring scores of others.

Today the election is being held, so hurrah, for—we, us and company!

Whiskey will flow freely today, and many men will be killed and scores wounded.

What is to become of the mighty host of political speakers? After today they will be out of a job.

With nine presidential tickets in the field today, every voter ought to be satisfied. Take your choice.

The Baltic sea fleet is rushing to certain destruction, and Russia is as well aware of this fact as any one else. [Japan and Russia were at war.]

Many a man will cast his first ballot today, and many a man his last one. Such is the uncertainty of life.

Atlanta is experiencing an epidemic of assaults and burglaries, and the police always arrive just after it happened.

We are for anything that will build up Murphy and keep up the growth that she is now experiencing.

The total valuation of real estate in North Carolina as returned for taxes is $220,303,339, an increase of $32,000,000.

Agitate the electric light and waterworks question, now that the election is about over. Nothing was ever accomplished without agitation.

Several of the airships at the St. Louis fair have made short but successful trips. In a short while airships will take the place of automobiles as a mode of travel.

The North sea incident between Russia and England is at last to be settled by a court of inquiry, and it is probably that Admiral Geo. Dewey will be made a member of the court.

It is fortunate the mean things said by opposing political speakers will soon be forgotten. But we can truthfully say that the campaign just closed was cleaner than many of its predecessors.

The history of the assaults on Port Arthur since the first of last August tells of desperate fighting by desperate men. It is now only a question of a short while until it must surrender.

President Roosevelt has issued his proclamation calling upon the people to observe November 24th as a day of Thanksgiving. Crops have been bountiful and the times are prosperous. Altogether each individual has much to be thankful for and the Giver of good gifts should not be forgotten.

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