
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Local News in Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., November 1904

“Editorial Notes” from the Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N.C., Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1904

The long drouth was broken by a slow rainfall beginning Wednesday night and at intervals continued until Saturday. In the place of dust, we now have mud. Crops had been made in this section before it set in, consequently no damage was done, only fall planting was delayed. It is predicted the wet spell will remain awhile with us. If the weather is fair today, a big vote will be polled. We’ll tell you all about the election in our next issue. Owing to the uncertainty of the election returns, we have thought it best not to wait for them. It will be noon Wednesday or later before you can tell anything about the county, and even later about the State and National election.

Superior court convenes here next Monday.

A.A. Fais spent several days in Ashville the past week.

W.S. Green has greatly improved his premises and dwelling.

Editor Shipman of Hendersonville was here Thursday night.

Attorney J.W. Ferguson was here from Waynesville Wednesday.

W.H. Woodbury leaves on the noon train today for New York.

C.H. West and Arthur Bristol represented Andrews on our streets Thursday.

We are glad to learn that F.A. Gennett will move back to Murphy from Asheville.

Norman Davidson left Friday for Atlanda. We understand he will drum for a house.

J.R. DeJournette of Blue Ridge was here Thursday. He will spend the winter at Calhoun, Ga.

The ladies will serve lunches today and oysters tonight in the King store building. Everybody invited.

D.W. Deweese and W.G. Payne went before the medical pension board Wednesday at Hayesville.

J.V. Brittain spent Friday at Jasper, Ga., where he purchased the lumber for his house from the Pickens Manufacturing Company.

Talk of building the Dalton and Alaculsy Railroad has been revived, and we notice that J.H. Carter, the banker, is interested in the movement.

Cark Axlay, who has a position in Collector Harkins’ office in Asheville, arrived Friday night to visit his parents. He returns tomorrow to Asheville.

Rev. D.P. Tate, pastor of the Methodist church, preached his last sermon before conference Sunday. He expects to leave tomorrow for Charlotte, where conference will be held.

J.H. Dillard informed us Saturday that he had just received the ham of a large bear from his friend, Forest Denton, of Graham county, who had killed three large bears the day before in Snowbird.
Good eating and cooking apples retailed on the streets Thursday at 25 cents a bushel, with but few buyers even at this price. The apple crop this year was a large one.

From the Blue Ridge Post: R.A. Phillips and Miss Lizzie Shoutz of Andrews were married at the Cooke House here last Friday night by Squire Hedden. It was a run-away match.

People who have been in the big mountains tell us that the chestnuts are almost knee deep on the ground, and that there never has been such a crop. Prices range here from $1.15 to $1.50 per bushel.

What’s at Gum Log? These two items appeared together in the last issue of the Blairsville Banner: The senior editor and wife spent last Saturday at Gum Log. The junior editor made a business trip to Gum Log Monday.

Mrs. A.L. Cooper and daughter, Mrs. A.R. Bell and infant daughter, arrived Saturday night. Mrs. Cooper has been visiting her daughter at Bowers, N.C., for some time and brought her home to remain until after conferences.

The supper served Saturday evening by the ladies of the Methodist church was liberally patronized by our people, all of whom are loud in their praise of the excellent bill of fare they received. The oysters were especially well served. The amount realized was something like $40 net.

Yesterday was moving day with several of our citizens. Col. Ben Posey moved into the Hennesa hotel, the Murphy School for Young Men and Young Women moving into the Posey residence on the hill, which it has purchased, and E.B. Norvell moved into the Cooper dwelling on the square vacated by the school.

We regret to learn that Col. A.T. Davidson of Asheville, for many years a resident of this place, is critically ill and little hope is entertained for his recovery. He is 85 years old and is one of the few surviving members of the Confederate Congress. He has many relatives and friends in this section who will regret to learn of his condition.

Prof. L.E. Mauney, principal of the school at Blue Ridge, Ga., spent Saturday and Sunday here with his family. He informed us that he had 240 students enrolled, with five teachers. In the normal and business departments he has 14 pupils form this county. Prof. Mauney is one of the best teachers in the mountains, and we are not at all surprised at his success.

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