
Friday, November 25, 2016

Local News Items From Scotland Neck, N.C., Nov. 24, 1916

“Local News Items” from The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Friday, Nov. 24, 1916. It’s interesting to see the focus on mode of transportation and the types of cars in this column.

The Episcopal Convention, which has been in session since Tuesday, adjourned yesterday morning at 11:30.

Messrs. G.C. Weeks, Edward Tillery and Tom Johnson caught the train at Palmyra yesterday morning to go to Greenville and bring back a couple of cars, one of which is expected to be a Willys Knight, which will be of interest to some of us.

The N.A. Riddick Motor Car Company sent over five automobiles yesterday morning to meet and 12 o’clock train at Palmyra and bring into town the 25 members of De Rue Minstrels, which was the only way in which a street parade could be arranged.

Dr. H.I. Clark and Mr. Ernest Leggett returned yesterday from Tarboro where they attended the session of the Shriners.

Mr. C.B. Parks motored to Tarboro recently to play a game of golf with some of the experts there.
Mr. Tom Fenner of Raleigh was in town Wednesday from Raleigh.

The four table card club met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. R.F. Coleman.

Mr. C.B. Riddick of Richmond, Va., arrived in town yesterday afternoon, having reached Palmyra at noon. He comes to visit his mother, Mrs. A.M. Riddick, and see Mr. Hubert Riddick, who is still quite ill.

Mr. Joe Riddick of Richmond, Va., came into town Wednesday in Mr. J.C. Riddick’s car, to see his brother, Mr. Hubert Riddick.

Recent word from the Rocky Mount hospital states that the condition of Mrs. Peyton Keel is not improved.

Extra freight train No. 313, with 25 cars, ran through town yesterday morning going north, and sidetracking No. 73 at the station.

Mrs. G.C. Weeks drove her six cylinder car to Tarboro to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt, and lunch with them. She was accompanied by Mrs. Henry Gray and Mrs. J.M. Cotton.

Mrs. Frank Spruill of Rocky Mount arrived here yesterday morning and is the guest of Mrs. Bettie Coughenor. Mr. Spruill was unable to come, though he intended being one of the speakers at the Episcopal Convention.

Messrs. Charles Lawrence and J.E. Bowers came into town Tuesday night in their Saxon runabout with seven wild turkeys hanging around the car. This was the prettiest kind of decoration for a week before Thanksgiving.

Mrs. T.J. Williford left on the morning train to visit her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harrison, in Wilson county. She will return in about three weeks.

Mr. R.M.S. White of Lumberton was in town for a few hours this week, and left for Tarboro on yesterday’s morning train.

Mr. J.C. Riddick went to Henderson Monday to deliver a Buick four, and from there went to Richmond, Va., and borrowed a Saxon six from the Virginia distributors Kehler Motor Company, and drove it back Wednesday to make immediate delivery to a customer who could not wait for delivery from the factory.

Mr. J. Baron of the Bee Hive Department Store is in Baltimore buying Christmas novelties.

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