
Friday, November 18, 2016

Private Shot When Provost Guardsman Tried to Arrest Him, 1917

“Private Von Bethoven Fatally Wounded at Charlotte,” from the Nov. 1, 1917, issue of The French Broad Hustler. The Hustler, Henderson County’s Leading Newspaper.

Guardsman Attempted to Arrest Von Bethoven, Who Resisted…Action is Approved

Charlotte, Oct. 25—Private Frederick von Bethovan of the state of Washington, member of the 41st division stationed at Camp Greene, is in a local hospital and his death is momentarily expected as a result of a bullet wound inflicted today when he was shot on the street here by a provost guardsman who attempted to arrest him.

According to official statement, Von Bethoven was under detention at camp for some breach of military regulation when he left the camp. Camp officials notified the provost guard headquarters in the city and ordered his arrest if found. A provost guardsman discovered him this afternoon and undertook to arrest him, whereupon he resisted, broke and ran, according to the official account of the affair. The guardsman ordered him to halt, but Von Bethoven continued running. Then the guardsman shot him, the bullet piercing his body.

Military authorities deny that Von Bethoven was being detained under suspicion of espionage. He came here several weeks ago with the Oregon troops. He claimed to be a grand nephew of the music master of the same name. An earlier report that the shooting was done by a secret service agent is officially denied. The action of the guardsman in shooting Von Bethoven is approved by the provost officials.

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