
Thursday, November 10, 2016

What Editors are Saying Across the State, 1917

From the editorial page of the Nov. 8, 1917, issue of the French Broad Hustler, Gordon F. Garlington, Manager, and Noah M. Hollowell, Editor.

--Mr. Cannon’s remarks relative to the needs of a Transylvania county fair are quite timely. Although the county has a farm demonstrator, she will lag behind what she had ought to be in the stock growing and agricultural way until the county holds annual fairs.

--Henderson county is listed among the counties shown on a map prepared by the State Board of Health as one of those doing quarantine work unsatisfactory to the State authorities. This shows a field to which our new officer might advantageously turn his attention.

--The Cleveland Star says that Abraham Lincoln ate corn bread and grew to greatness on it and suggests that people in humbler walks of life do likewise as a war measure. Henderson county corn meal was introduced to national fame when Congressman Grant, our fellow townsman, was in congress, and there’s not a thing wrong with eating this wholesome grain.

--The Hustler notes with interest the sale of the Cherokee Scout of Murphy to G.O. Mercer of Asheville, who was formerly in the newspaper business at Mebane. Tate Powell, the retiring publisher, failed to say what he would do with himself, save would linger in the shop for a few days. The Hustler welcomes Mr. Mercer to the Western Carolina field and trusts that his sojourn will be pleasant and profitable. We regret the going of Mr. Powell.

--There was a day in which the Hendersonville Board of Trade wasted much time in arguing the advisability of publicity work. Thanks for the departure of that period. They have all been educated as to the needs and efficacy of publicity. The question now is the method and extent but the rub comes in raising the wherewithal. Let us look to that good day when the only trouble will be in fixing the sum desired; then name it and every one will give cheerfully according or as she has been blessed with community publicity.

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