
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Colored Teachers Association Met at Rockingham City School, 1921

“Meeting of the Colored Teachers" by Era A. Covington, from the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 22, 1921

On Saturday, Dec. 10th, the colored Teachers Association met at the Rockingham city school building. The meeting was called to order by Prof. H.H. Faulkener. “Holy, Holy, Holy” was sung. Mrs. H.E. Womble led in prayer. The Battle Hymn of the Republic was then sung. After some opening remarks by Prof. Falkener the reorganization was in order. Rev. S. E. McEachern was elected president of the association. Mrs. M.J. Houseton, vice president; Era A. Covington, secretary; Miss Musa E. Wall, assistant secretary; Mrs. H.E. Womble(?), treasurer.

Then the county superintendent Mr. L.J. Bell was presented, who in a very forceful manner stressed the importance of all teachers being present in these meetings and report on time. He then proceeded to call the roll. The following teachers were absent during roll call (though some of them reported later): Manie Stephens, Blanche Hines, Mary J. Leak, C.W. Dockery, Sallie B. Dove, Eva Gordon, Eliza Littles, Daisy Patterson, Ella Ingram, Millie Ingram, Florence Wooldard, Ruth Mumford, Nannie Littles, Rev. T.J. Leak, Corrinna Nichols, May McEachern, Ellen Daivs, Maggie Bowden, Nezzie Wall, Hattie Bostic, Lavanna Stewart, Lucy Wall, Annie Odom, Claudie McAlister.

After plainly emphasizing his disapproval for the absence and tardiness of teachers, he then explained that state’s plan of dividing the teachers into two classes in order to begin the Reading Circle Work. The order of division: All teachers holding provisional “A,” provisional “B,” temporary, elementary, Grammar grade, and primary certificates, study “charter’s teaching the common school branches.”

Those teachers holding county certificates meet at the same time and follow the same plan in studying the course arranged for them. He further stated that there must be ten meetings 45 minutes in length, or five meetings one hour and a half in length. He then discussed the salary schedule as laid down by the state, assuring that those who followed the state’s plan and raise the value of their certificate would receive better salaries.

Mr. O.G. Reynolds was then presented, who spoke of the rules and regulations governing compulsory attendance. He also stressed the importance of punctuality of both teacher and pupil, and putting in six hours real school work. He insisted that teachers maintain better discipline in their schools, be accurate in making the compulsory reports, and be alert to duty and serve the profession with efficiency.

Prof. James T. Taylor of Hamlet city school was then introduced. He made glowing remarks concerning the educational progress of our state and urged the teachers to take advantage of the opportunity given and do all in their power to render better service.

The president made some timely remarks after which the time was set for the Reading Circle Work. The teachers will meet the second Saturday in January and study the Reading Ciercle book each second Saturday for four months. The hour 10:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. At this juncture Mr. O.G. Reynolds stated that wherever there were indigent children between the ages of 7 and 14 and the correct report was made to him, he would make arrangement to supply them with books.

His statement was gratefully received by all. Mr. Reynolds has already shown his very deep interest in the educational uplift of humanity.

This ending the business of the meeting was adjourned to meet the second Saturday in January 1922.
            --Era A. Covington, Secretary

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