
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Dwight Williams of Waynesville Leading State Corn Contest, 1949

From the December 1949 issue of Extension Farm-News
Haywood Man Takes Lead in Corn Contest

An official yield of $141.3 bushels per acre has put a Haywood County farmer out in front in the race for the 1949 corn growing championship, according to Dr. E.R. Collins. Unless a higher yield is reported within the next few weeks Dwight Williams of Waynesville will become North Carolina’s new corn champion.

Runner-up in the statewide contest to date is a Wayne County 4-H Club boy, Dale Gainey, whose measured acre yielded 139.3 bushels.

Dr. Collins said the contest is still open. Farmers who think they have exceptional yields can still enter. The North Carolina Foundation Seed Producers offer a $100 savings bond for the highest yielding fields in each of three areas—mountains, piedmont and coastal plain. A second $100 bond will be awarded the highest of the three as the state winner.

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