
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Local News from High Point, N.C., Dec. 22, 1911

Various articles and items from the front page of The Review, High Point, N.C., December 22, 1911

The Review announced last week that it would receive contributions to the “Empty Stocking Fund,” the names of the contributors to be published in The Review and amount turned over to Miss Clara Cox for disposition. The idea is to see that those little boys and girls who would perhaps not receive any toys, get something to make them happy.

Miss Cox knows of several cases and if there are any others who want to contribute the editor or Miss Cox will receive it and proper acknowledgement made in next paper. We regret a larger amount was not handed in but we are sure it was overlooked by those that would like to have contributed but just forgot. The list to date as follows:

The Review, $2
D.H. Milton, $1
Mrs. Jesse R. Harrison, $1
Leonard-Beavans-Stamey Co., $1
Miss Etta Ireland, 50 cents
Moffitt Furnishing Co., $1


Mr. J.C. Kellum, a former resident of this place, died last week.

Lawrence Matton has about recovered from his recent serious accident, his many friends will be glad to learn.

Reduced prices on long coats at H.A. Moffitt’s.

A local concern, the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company has the contract for the plate glass windows for the new postoffice. It is expected every thing will be in readiness to open the new postoffice to the public by the latter part of February, if not before.

Dr. and Mrs. Tyree went to Oxford this week to attend the funeral services over the remains of the latter’s father, Mr. J.M. Currin.

Saturday night two negroes became engaged in a quarrel along the railroad in the eastern part of the city with the result that one of the combatants was struck in the head with an axe which plowed its way several inches across the noggin of one. Their troubles were told the Recorder Monday and a continuance of a few days was granted.

Another Robbery at the Same Place
Saturday night the British Woolen Mills was entered for the second time within less than two months and as before several suits of clothes were taken. The thiefs were particular this time and took only what “fitted” their form, leaving odd coats and pants in some instances. There was no bars or other safeguards against the windows and it was easy sailing.

A Nice Sign
Wrightenberry-Morrison Co., has placed an electric sign, a large boot, in front of their place of business. It attracts the attention of all who pass by. Other merchants would do well to also get up an electric sign for their places of business. Most all kinds of advertising pays.

Entertainments at the Churches
Monday night at the M.E. church a cantata entitled “Jolly times with Old Santa Claus.” Exercises begin at 7:30.

The same night at the M.P. church beginning at 7 p.m. an interesting entertainment will be held in which Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus will take part.

First Baptist church a cantata entitled “the Greatest day of the year,” will be given this Friday night.

The First Presbyterian church will hold their entertainment on Monday night. A large number of special prizes will be awarded and the exercises altogether will be quite interesting.

This Friday night at the Friends church a Christmas Tableau illustrating the yuletide events in foreign lands.

This Saturday night at South Main street M.E. Church “Our First Christmas” will be an interesting cantata.

Pastor Resigns Sunday
Sunday at South Main Street M.E. church Rev. G.E. Eaves tendered his resignation as pastor. Mr. Eaves will travel for the present. Later he says his intention is to be an evangelist, secure a tent and preach the Word of God here and there. His successor has not been named yet.

Extension of Car Line
Work will soon begin on the extension of the car line from the corner of Main and Commerce streets to Hamilton and out Green street to a point beyond the silk mill. A large force of hands will be employed as the company has only four months in which to complete the work. Already the rails for another mile of track is here and the poles have been ordered.

This move forward by the Public Service Company looks good to High Point.

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