
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Paper Praises Jean Steele's Work in McDowell County, 1949

From the December 1949 issue of Extension Farm-News

Editorial Praises Work of County Home Agent
A recent editorial in the Marion Progress paid tribute to Miss Jean Steele for the outstanding work she did while serving as home demonstration agent in McDowell County. Miss Steele recently resigned her position in McDowell County to become home agent in Pitt County.

Excerpts from the editorial follow:

“Looking back over the years Miss Jean Steele has been in this county, we find that the best part of her work cannot be shown in statistical records, nor volumes of narrative reports. We consider that her most redeeming characteristics have been conscientious devotion to duty and a sincere interest in her groups as a whole, as well as in personalities of her members.

“We congratulate her on her promotion to a higher office, and wish for her all the rewards se deserves.”

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