
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Richmond Is Greatest Peach County in State, 1921

From the editorial page of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Dec. 22, 1921, Isaac S. London, editor and proprietor.

Moore County is a great county, and her peach industry is a splendid asset, and deservedly so. But do you Post-Dispatch readers realize that Richmond County is now the greatest peach county in the State? This is a fact.

Figures just compiled show that up until this year the number of acres in peaches in Richmond County was 1,382. And now there are being set out trees on 1,884 additional acres, which will bring the total acreage to 3,266!

The Post-Dispatch will next issue have a detailed statement of the acreage in peaches in this county, and the names and number of acres of each peach farmer. Keep your eye on next week’s issue. It will amaze those of our folks who have had no idea of the peach development of the county.

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