
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Social News From Hickory, Dec. 26, 1916

The society column from the Hickory Daily Record, Dec. 26, 1916

Dr. Councill Boyden of China Grove is spending several days in the city.

Mr. Weston Taylor of Statesville spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. E.A. Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Thomasson of Charlotte spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Thomasson.

Messrs. Olin, Glenn and Clifford Abernethy of Detroit are spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Abernethy.

Mr. Howard Councill left last night for Annapolis after spending Sunday and Monday with his parents, Judge and Mrs. W.B. Councill.

Mr. Oliver Littaker who has been spending the holidays with his parents in Lenoir passed through the city today en roiute to Thomasville.

Mrs. M.M. Graham of Lancaster, Pa., Mr. H.C. Gardner and Graham Gardner are guests of Mr. and mrs. Albert Abernethy Mrs. Graham being the mother of Mrs. Abernethy.

Dr. G.H. Abernethy of Liberty, S.C., after spending Christmas with his father, Mr. J.F. Abernethy, returned today to his home. Dr. Abernethy, who is popular with everybody, was greated by his hundreds of friends in Hickory.

Mr. and Mrs. C.B. West and little daughter Peggy, who have been visiting Mrs. West’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Bost, left today for Morven to visit Rev. J.H. West. They will spend tonight in Charlotte with Bishop Kilgo.

Mr. Robert Reud of Atlanta will spend the Christmas holidays in Jacksonville and Tampa, Florida, the guest of Mr. Nathan Cockrell at Jacksonville and entertained by Mr. Sewall Pamberton at Tampa.

Mr. H.H. Little of Boston is spending the holidays in the city.

Mr. Frank W. McComb, Misses Elizabeth and Margaret McComb and Mr. A.C. Henderson left last night for Roanoke, Va., where Wednesday night Mr. McComb and Miss Martha Kidd will be married. Mr. William McComb joined the party at Salisbury. He will be Mr. McComb’s best man.

Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Cline and little dauighter Alma Augusta, who have been visiting Mr. Cline’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Cline on Eleventh Street, returned to their home in Winston-Salem today. Mr. Cline, who is well known in Hickory on account of his connection with the Democrat, is now with the circulation department of the Winston Daily Sentinel.

Mr. Fred Cline, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Cline of Eleventh Street, and Miss Grace Roseman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roseman of Claremont, were married in Newton Saturday at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. M.A. Abernethy.

Last evening Mrs. E.L. Shuford entertained with a charming dance in honor of her daughter Miss Katheryne Shuford. Music was furnished by a Victrola. Those dancing were Misses Kathryne Shuford, Kate Elliott, Margaret Taylor, Mary Allen, Doris Hutton, Helen Springs, Gladys Reid, Frank Martin, Adelaide Johnston, Mabel Hicks, Rose Martin, Rachel Pugh, Charlotte Smith, Mary Rogers Shuford and Louise Jones, and George Blackweldfer, Claude Abernethy, Connelly Gaamble, Cyril Long of Newton, John Bohannon, Frank Allen, Frank Moose, Orin Sigmon, Albert Stevens of Greensboro, Joe Murphy, Richard Bolyd, Richard Shuford, M. Loy Bolick, Bailey Patrick, Dr. Councill Boyden of China Grove, David Taylor, C.D. Moore of Charlotte, Walter Bolick, Ralph Ballew, J. Loy Sox, Earnhardt of Lenoir and Hilton Shuford.

Rev. A.L. Bolick will leave tomorrow for Stanley to take charge of the Lutheran church at that place.

Mr. C.B. Moore of Charlotte spent several days in Hickory last week.

Mr. Walter Starnes of Darlington, S.C., is spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. J.D. Starnes.

Mr. A.M. Ingold of Morganton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.K. Joy.

Miss Essie Robinson is visiting friends in Lincolnton.

There will be a box supper at the Abernethy schoolhouse near Hildebran Saturday night, Dec. 30. The public is cordially invited.

Mr. D.A. Goodman of Connelly Springs preached at the school house last Sunday evening.

Miss Mamie Hudson, teacher of the Abernethy school, has gone to her home at Connelly Springs to spend Christmas.

Miss Fleeta Perry, a student at Rutherford College, came home last Monday to spend Christmas with her parents.

Mr. Jeff Tample looks might pleased since he received a ten dollar gold piece in the Burke corn contest.

Dr. J.L. Murphy and James and Charles Whitener are spending the day at the Rock house hunting.
Misses Onalee and Lenore Eckard spent the holidays in Salisbury and Spencer visiting friends.

Prof. J.F. Coble is spending the holidays in Crescent and Statesville.

Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Greene of Charlotte are the guests of Mrs. Greene’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. White.

Mrs. C.S. Keever and three children are spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Martin at Lenoir.

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