
Monday, January 9, 2017

Measles Outbreak, Other Illnesses Top Social News from Lumberton, 1917

“News Notes and Comments” from J.M. Fleming, Lumberton Robesonian, Jan. 8, 1917

The schools are re-opening for the spring sessions but rather thinned in attendance due to the unmerciful intrusion of measles. We are fortunate, however, in our Meadows school to have enough immunes to keep us busy in spite of the epidemic. It is our sincere hope that all the sick ones may soon be well. Rev. W.D. Combs, pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle, Lumberton, visited our school Friday, Dec. 22, it being the occasion of our holiday closing, and delighted us with a very excellent speech. It will be a privilege to have him visit us again. The following won a place for themselves 2nd month on the honor roll: Crowson Bryan and Howard McDonald of the 7th grade, and Mike L. Davis of the 5th grade.

The Robeson union held with the church at Singletary’s X Roads last week was quite a success in every way. Despite the rains Friday morning, 15 churches answered to roll call. The sermon by Rev. J.F. Davis and the speeches by Revs. I.P. Hedgpeth and J.R. Miller were good and the singing was splendid. Dinner was served on the grounds and was in keeping with all that goes to make a well-rounded Robeson county sumptuous repast. It was super-abundant and almost made us wish we were twins so we could eat some more. We could not stay for the sessions Saturday and Sunday, being under obligations to the union meeting at Center Roads church in Bladen Saturday, and the church at Elizabethtown Sunday, but we heard good things about the services which were indeed gratifying. Our people were highly entertained and well pleased.

Two letters from Alcoln, S.C., bring the sad intelligence that our only aunt was buried Friday. It is sad only from an earthly consideration, for she was a ripe Christian and we feel sure our loss is her incomparable gain. She was in the 81st year of her age, and had never married. The last conversation with her was most sweetly assuring. She said she was just waiting the call to come up higher.

We are delighted to hear that “Aunt Becky” is improving. An exchange of letters with her since the news of her first illness has been a source of real satisfaction. Our letter was one of encouragement and condolence; hers was an appreciative reply, and was greatly enjoyed. May her sunlight continue golden.

Miss Maggie Pitman of Route 3 from Lumberton, who spent Christmas with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Pitman, returned home Friday afternoon.

Misses Emma Fleming, Eureka Pitman and Annie Blake went to Fayetteville yesterday on a visit to friends in that goodly city. They will return home tomorrow.

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