
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Police News from Lumberton, Jan. 8, 1917

Police News from the Lumberton Robesonian, Jan. 8, 1917

Columbus McCallum, colored, was brought to jail Saturday night from Red Springs after he had dangerously cut Sim Stubbs, another negro, with a knife. It is said that Stubbs’ condition is serious and not much hope is entertained for his recovery. It is not known what the trouble started about. McCallum was brought to jail by Rural Policeman T.F. Boahn.

Robbers entered the store of Messrs. B.H. and J.C. Stancil at Allenton Friday night. Entrance was made through the front door. The money drawer was ransacked. Only a few pocket knives and some cheap watches were missed. No arrests have been made.

An oil stove caused some little excitement at the home of Mr. S.S. Stephens, West Fourth Street, about 9:30 o’clock this morning. The stove did not explode, but was acting “funny.” The fire truck was ordered to the scene. There was no damage.

Sheriff R.E. Lewis was called by ‘phone Friday night about 9 o’clock to look after a bunch of strange negroes who were camping near the home of Mr. W.R. Tyner. Mr. Tyner was away from home and one of the negroes went to the home and started to enter the house. Mr. Davis, who works in Mr. Tyner’s store, drove the intruder away. When the officers arrived the negroes had moved on.

Luke McNeill, colored, was arrested near Maxton Monday of last week by rural Policeman W.W. Smith and brought to jail here. McNeill is charged with being implicated in the murder of another negro near Roland some 12 years ago. McNeill was arrested at McDonald once before, but broke out of a guard house and made his escape. He says he has been living in Philadelpha, Pa.

Two young white men claiming to be from Jacksonville and suspected of having robbed several stores in Clarkton and Abbotsville Wednesday night have been caught in Robeson County and brought back to Bladen. They were overtaken by officers of Bladen and Robeson counties at Lowe, a station on the Seaboard five miles west of Lumberton, Thursday. Bloodhounds picked up their trail at Abbottsburg but lost it near the Robeson County line. People along the railroad, however, reported having seen two men believes to have been the ones wanted and this information led to the arrest of the suspects.

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