
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Robesonian County Health Officer B.W. Page's Report, 1917

“Health Officer’s Report” from the Lumberton Robesonian, Jan. 8, 1917

Semi-Annual Report of County Health Officer B.W. Page

In Thurday’s Robesonian was given a report of the meeting Monday of last week of the county board of health. The board meets again today to elect a health officer for the ensuing year. Dr. B.W. Page, who no doubt will be re-elected, made the following semi-annual report to the board last Monday:

Post-mortem examinations 3.
Examination for commitment to asylum 17.
Visits to county institution 114
Visits to county dependents 13.
Paupers and hook work cases treated 142.
Examinations for application for aid 27.
Diseases investigated 32.
Diseases quarantined 34.
Visits to schools 67.
Physical defects to school children reported 628.
Typhoid vaccinations 1,683.
Doses vaccine administered 4,689.
Visits to 17 dispensaries for vaccination 83.
Health talks made 128.
Newspaper articles furnished 19.
Health bulletins distributed 8,400.
Miles traveled 3,900.

“Results of health work have been reported from time to time through the columns of newspapers. Comparison of vital statistics with those of adjoining counties indicates that Robeson has prevented more than ten deaths per month for the past three years without considering the amount of sickness prevented.”

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