
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Social Doings from Lumberton, N.C., Jan. 8, 1917

Social News from the Lumberton Robesonian, Jan. 8, 1917

Mr. Ernest McPhaul, who lives on R.F.D. Shannon, and Miss Marian Toon of Red Springs were united in marriage at Rowland December 28, Rev. A.J. Groves officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Toon and is one of Red Springs most popular young ladies. Mr. McPhaul is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McPhaul and his many friends join us in best wishes to him and his lovely bride.

Misses Fannie, Mabel and Nora Walters entertained a number of friends on the evening of December 29. It was a most enjoyable occasion and fun and merriment reigned the entire evening. The guests reluctantly departed at a late hour voting the Misses Walters most charming hostesses and thanking them for a very pleasant evening.

Misses Bertha and Kate Currie visited relatives near Laurinburg during the holidays.

Mr. Carl and Miss Nora Walters have returned to Columbia, S.C., where they are attending school, after visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Walters.

Miss Mattie Parish and little sister Lois have returned from Clio, S.C., after spending several days here with relatives and friends.

Mr. Merritt Gibson and sister, Miss Lillian, after spending the holidays at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Gibson, have returned to Charlotte and Maxton, respectively, where they are attending school.

Mr. and Mrs. Spears returned to Clio, S.C., Wednesday after spending several days here visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ottice Parish.

Misses Ganelle and Myrtle Barnes left this morning for Greensboro to resume their studies at Greensboro College for Women after spending the holidays here visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K.M. Barnes.

There will be a box supper at Joe Branch graded school Thursday night, Jan. 11.

License has been issued for the marriage of Lattie Parnell and Effie Johnson.

Dr. W.W. Parker is able to be out again after being confined to his room for several days.

Mr. D.N. McGill has accepted a position as salesman in the McAllister hardware store.

Madam Rumor says there will be a wedding in Lumberton tonight. It is understood that the bride and groom are to come from other towns.

Miss Ruth Britt left yesterday for Macclesfield, near Wilson, where she is teaching this year. Her school opened today.

Mr. Jno. Griffin and family moved last week from a farm near Regan’s Church to a farm near Allenton belonging to Mr. E.E. Page.

Mr. J.E. Kinlaw and family moved last week from Raleigh, where they lived some time, back to Mr. Kinlaw’s farm on R. 7 from Lumberton. Mr. Kinlaw was a Lumberton visitor Friday.

Abner Chavis, Indian, of R. 1 from St. Paul, was among the callers at The Robesonian office this morning. He says he found the horse he recently advertised in The Robesonian dead in a ditch near his home. The horse was worth $150.

The item in last Monday’s paper to the effect that Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Ellers had moved into town from just outside the town limits was an error. Mr. Ellers meant that he had changed the place of getting his mail and the remark was misunderstood.

State Commander H.S. Carpenter of the Maccabees of Raleigh will install the officers of Lumbee Tent No. 18 here tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. All members of the tent are urged to attend the installation. After the officers have been installed refreshments will be served and a general good time is expected.

The graded school opened this morning for the spring terms. All the teachers were back at their posts ready for the opening and around 500 pupils were present. Supt. Sentelle says all who have beginners to enter during the spring term must send them in this week, as that grade is already crowded. School will close May 18.

The young men’s Baraca Class of the First Baptist Sunday School elected the following officers yesterday for the first half of this year: President E.M. Johnson; Vice President Stinson Powell; Secretary-Treasurer Guy Townsend; Teacher L.R. Varser (re-elected); Assistant Teachers E.F. Britt and R.H. Taylor; Reporter F. Grover Britt.

Cypress Camp No. 125 W.O.W. installed the following officers last Thursday night for the ensuing year: Dr. R.T. Allen, C.C.; T.C. Maxwell, Adv. Lieut.; Vance Skipper, clerk; J.W. Bryan, banker; K.D. Williams, (can’t read); Carl Bulard, watchman; C.L. Collins, sentry; W.A. McNeill, A.E. Boney and R.M. Collins, board of managers.

Mr. E. McQ. Rowan of the Smyrna section was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. Rowan told a Robesonian reporter about one of his neighbors, Mr. S.D. Lamb, having a near-serious accident one day recently. Mr. Lamb got his foot caught in a stalk cutter and his leg was right badly bruised before he could get it out. Had the mules become frightened no doubt Mr. Lamb would have been killed.

The Pastime Theatre and the Pope Drug Store entertained all the children registered at the store of Messrs. R.D. Caldwell & Son—about 200 in number—Friday afternoon. The little folks witnessed the picture show, after which they were served with ice cream by the drug store. Pictures of the children were made in front of the Caldwell store, where they assembled, in front of the theatre, and also in front of the Pope Drug Store. The children all received small United States flags and had a great time. The occasion will be long remembered by the children.

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