
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Improvements to Infrastructure in Brevard, Sanford and Spencer, 1910

From the Municipal Journal &Public Works, and Engineer, February 23, 1910, page 290. This book is online at

Brevard, N.C.—City is considering extension of sewer system; will expend $15,000 on improvements to sewer system and water works.—W.E. Breese Jr. Mayor.

Sanford, N.C.—Citizens have voted $25,000 bonds for construction of sewer system.—J.C. White, Durham, Engineer in Charge.

Brevard, N.C.—City has issued $15,000 bonds for water works and sewerage.—W.E. Breese Jr., Mayor.

Spencer, N.C.—City has purchased Spencer Water Co.’s plant.

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