
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Local News, Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Feb. 23, 1922

From the Feb. 23, 1922, issue of the Rockingham Post-Dispatch

Town News

Mr. Oran Walker of Darlington, S.C., is preparing to build an up-to-date filling station just below the Parson garage. The stone is being cut for the building now, and work will start right away.

Mr. W.C. Rourke and little daughter, Jean, returned last week from Charlotte where they went the week before to visit Mrs. Rourke’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Black.

Mr. James Gobbel of Salisbury spent last week-end in town.

Mr. J. Reid Auman spent the week-end at his home in Norman.

Mr. Dewitt T. Meeks, who hold a position in Raleigh, spent last week-end here with his wife, who is at the home of her mother, Mrs. Belle Ingram.

Mrs. J.M. Maness and little son, Frederick, spent last week in Hamlet with friends and relatives.

Mrs. Carey Farlow returned Monday after spending a few days in Rockingham with Mrs. Dan Wicker.

Mr. Robert Thayer of Troy was a visitor in town Sunday.

Miss Thurla Turner spent the week-end in town with Miss Wilma Howie.

Mr. L.K. Sides went to Raleigh Tuesday, returning Wednesday morning.

Misses Eula Adams and Flora Belle Snipes spent last week-end at their homes at Hamlet.

Miss Capitola Capel returned Saturday from Charlotte where she spent two weeks with her sister.
Mr. Roy Bennett spent Saturday and Sunday at his home near Roberdel.

Mrs. D.C. Warner and children, Jack and Billy, came here from their home in Chapel Hill last week and are at the home of Mrs. Warner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner. Mr. Warner, who is taking a course at Carolina, had to go to Troy on account of the serious illness of his father.

Miss Sallie Ewing of Covington entered school here last Monday. She is staying at the Baldwin House.

Little William O’Brien McIntosh came home last week to the home of his aunt, Mrs. J.M. Maness, where he will be for some time. It was necessary for Mrs. McIntosh to return to Charlotte Sanatorium where another operation was performed.

Miss Estelle Hermon, who is a graduate nurse from Dante, Va., has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hermon. She returned to her duties in Dante Wednesday.

Miss Hazel Dickson will arrive Saturday from Atlanta to spend the week-end.

J.A. Holmes has moved from Chester, S.C., to Charlotte, 1211 N. Davidson Street.

Born the 17th to Mr. and Mrs. John Lentz, a son, and to Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Collins, a daughter.

Mrs. W.D. Thomas will return next week from Miami where she went the 13th to visit Mrs. W.S. Wilson.

Mrs. L.D. McPhail will probably return home Sunday. She has been under treatment at the Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte since the 12th.

A thief broke the plate glass window of the Kirsch Bros. store at Hamlet before daylight on Monday morning, and stole a $50 suit of clothes. No clues as yet.

Mrs. Eugene Payne will go with young Eugene Jr. to Charlotte Friday and have the boy’s tonsils removed Saturday. Mr. Payne and Mary will go there Saturday noon for the week-end.

Mrs. T.A. Covington returned from the Stokes Sanatorium at Salisbury last Friday, where on Jan. 24th she underwent an operation. Her friends are glad to have her home again.

Mrs. W.R. McIntosh underwent an operation at the Charlotte Sanatorium last Friday. She will hardly return home under two weeks yet.

H.A. Haywood brought the paper an egg Saturday that weighed an even 4 ounces. It was laid by a Plymouth Rock hen.

Mrs. Z.Z. Hadley has returned to her home at Badin after spending a few days with her father, Dr. E.S. Davis, and sisters, Misses Sallie and Ella Davis.

Don’t forget the Indoor Carnival Friday night at the Fox house next door to Corpening residence. The freaks alone will be worth your attendance.

Miss Lillian Long is teaching the 4th grade at Pee Dee school, the position made vacant by the resignation of Miss Emma Porter who was married last Saturday.

Born at 2 o’clock Wednesday night to Mr. and Mrs. I.H. Hanlyn at Hamlet, a son, Calvin Howe. Our congratulations at this addition to the staff of the Hamlet News-Messenger.

Miss Leila Corpening will return today from Statesville and remain until Monday when she will go to Cheraw and accept a positon as housekeeper at the home of Mr. G. Walker Duval.

Mr. Robert L. Groover and Miss Lily Taylor were married at Wilmington Feb. 18th. Mrs. Groover is remembered here as Miss Lil Taylor, she having visited here several years ago.

Mrs. C.C. Crofton and Mildred returned Monday from a visit to Scotland Neck, coming home with her aunt, Mrs. T.H. Cooper, who will be the guest of herself and Mrs. J.B. Dickson for some weeks.

Mrs. C.K. Waddill has her house guests  Mrs. H.C. Dockery and Mrs. Lucy P. Russell at Cheraw. Quite a number of parties have been given in their honor. Mrs. Russell returns home the last of this week.

J.W. Stephenson of the Stephenson-Belk firm left here Monday at noon for New York. Forty buyers of the 30-odd stores of the Belk chain met there this week to look the market over and make purchases. In unity is strength, and some 30-odd stores buying as a unit would naturally tend to secure goods at a lower price. Mr. Joe Stephenson left here today to join the buyers.

Sheriff McDonald left here Tuesday morning for Graham county with Arch Manor, carrying him back to state prison camp. Manor has been brought here last week to testify in the Dennis Jessup case.

Mr. M.L. Morrison of Anson came the 9th to spend three weeks with his daughter, Mrs. John McPherson at Ledbetter’s. Mr. Morrison will be 85 years old June 12th and is one of the youngest old men to be found anywhere.

Dr. C.D. Dawkins, in charge of the free dental work in the county schools for the State Board of Health, was compelled to discontinue the work the last of January on account of illness. He was operated upon at the Hamlet hospital Feb. 1st for appendicitis. He has now regained his strength, and resumes the dental schedule today.

Saturday night a party went to Kill Kare Klub and enjoyed a “Weinie Roast.” They played games, roasted weinies over a big camp fire, and talked a bit too. Enjoying this outing were Leo Warburton, Miss Hornaday, Tebe Steele, Miss Louise Gill, John Scales, Miss Sheridan, Miss Brooks, Mr. Jackson, Miss Gaither, Laura Page Steele, Elizabeth Cole, and Bill Ormond.

Mrs. Sam. S. Steele has as her house-visitor Mrs. Causey of New York. Mrs. Causey will be remembered as having frequently visited here before her marriage as Miss Nan Wood. Mrs. Causey will be the guest of Miss Mamie Steele after today, Thursday, for some time.

Thursday evening of last week Miss Kathryn McDonald entertained the members of her Duplicate Club. After the game the hostess served a salad course with accessories. The prize was cut by Miss Ruth Harrison, who received a very pretty piece of lingerie. Present were Mesdames R.R. Simmons, Frank Leak, Henry Wall, Isaac London, Billy Everett, Fayette Cloud, Fred Bynum, J.M. Ledbetter, Arthur Douglas, W.R. Jones, Morris Purvis, Tom McRae, Misses Elizabeth Cloud, Octavia Scales, Mrs. Minor T. Hinson, Anna Leak Ledbetter, Jean and Glenn Fairley, Lois and Margaret Allen, Virginia Long, Elizabeth Covington, Mary Payne, Mary Reynolds, E. Cobb, Thelma Hicks, Sarah and Margaret Shores, John Henry Jr., John Swink, Ben McKenzie, Clyde Black, Patsy Leak, Evelyn Hopkins, and Billy Poplin. The little hostess was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. James Thredgill and Miss Netta Poplin.

Miss Mamie Steele entertained the members of her Book Club and a few special guests on Wednesday afternoon. Guests arriving soon realized that it was Washington’s birthday, for in the hall was a potted cherry tree laden with luscious looking red cherries. Score cards were soon given out, some decorated with branches of cherries, some American flags. When each had found her place at one of the five tables, the club game “42” was enjoyed. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. William Little Steele and Mrs. Sam Steele, served delicious creamed chicken in patties, country ham in two beaten biscuits, pickle and hot coffee with whipped cream, followed by wine parfait topped with red cherries and tutti frutti cake. The filling of the cake was largely of the cherries. The last course was brought in on each plate was a miniature cherry tree in a box which was filled with candy cherries. Books were exchanged and just before the guests departed it leaked out that this, too, was Miss Mamie’s birthday, so all had an opportunity to, not only, congratulate the hostess on such a lovely meeting, but to express some of the nice wishes that we all have for the hostess and that we may be with her to celebrate many more such occasions.

Friends in the city will be glad to learn of the improved condition of little Caroline Armistead, who has been quite sick with flu. Also that Mary Elizabeth Foster, who has been ill with pneumonia, is much better this Thursday afternoon. A trained nurse was summoned and came Tuesday night, as Dr. Foster, father of the little sick girl. Mrs. Armistead, who has had a slight attack of flu, is much better and hopes soon to be out again.

Mrs. Tom Cox of Wadesboro will today entertain a dinner party in honor of Mrs. Causey, guest of Mrs. Sam Steele. Going over from Rockingham for this hospitality are Mrs. Sam Steele, Mrs. Causey, Mrs. McLean Leath, Mrs. R.S. Cole, Mrs. Henry Ledbetter and Miss Mamie Steele.

Monday afternoon Mrs. Frank Leak entertained the members of her Bridge Club and a few specially invited guests. After the game the hostess served refreshments in two courses.

John Scales, accompanied by Misses Ruth Harrison and Jean Fairley, motored to Greensboro Tuesday, returning Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Leak left Wednesday night for St. Petersburg, Fla., to spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Minor T. Hinson will keep house at the Leaks while they are away and take charge of Tommy Jr.
Wednesday afternoon at the home of her parents little Miss Elaine Allred entertained about 18 of her little friends at a birthday party. This was the occasion of her 6th birthday and all the little folks came with a gift for their little hostess, which made her joy complete.

Friday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Covington on Ann street, Miss Carolina Covington entertained three tables of rook in honor of Miss Mamie West, whose marriage takes place next month. The game was thoroughly delightful and after several progressions, the hostess served delicious salad, chicken croquets, sandwiches, pickle, and hot coffee. To the honoree she presented a pair of silk hose. Those enjoying this affair were the bride-to-be, Miss Mamie West, and her mother, Mrs. J.T. West, Misses Berta West, Ophelia Ormond, Laura Page Steele, Elizabeth Cole, Marie Covington, Lucille Shore, Florence Covington, Hallie Covington, and Anna Leak Ledbetter.

Miss Mamie Steele entertained at Bridge honoring the guests of Mrs. George Steele, Mesdames Foster and Douglas. The home was most attractive with cut flowers and potted plants, and after the usual progressions, the hostess recalled the cards and served a salad course to her guests.

Tuesday afternoon at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Hinson, little Miss Frances and Emma Gay Hinson entertained the members of the Sunbeam Band of the Baptist church at a Valentine party. Various games were played and then they were all invited into the dining room where they were served with refreshments in red and white, carrying out the color scheme, and tiny boxes of red and white candy hearts were given to the children, also to each was given a Valentine.

Mangum Items

Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler of Lilesville visited relatives here Sunday.

Mr. W.C. Jarrell from Rockingham spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. J.R. Jarrell.

Rev. J.H. Shore, our presiding elder, preached a noble sermon at Hebron Sunday afternoon. The pretty sunshine permitted a large crowd to be present to hear him.

Mr. O.D. Stutts of Mt. Gilead visited in Mangum Sunday.

Master James Ross is right sick at this writing.

Mr. Jack Currie spent Saturday in Mt. Gilead on business.

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Baldwin of Mt. Gilead attended church at Hebron Sunday afternoon.

Don’t forget the box party at the school house Friday night. The girls are invited to bring pretty, delicious boxes and the boys fat purses to buy them.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the people for their kindness shown during the recent death of our beloved little sister, Sarah Margarette McDonald.
                --Her Sisters

Route 1 News

Mr. Oscar Hyat of Steele’s Mills was at Mr. Green Shephard awhile Sunday.

Mrs. Rose Goodwin spent Sunday at Laurinburg.

Mr. Carl Caulder was calling on Miss Annie Grant Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Bob Todd was at Mr. Frank Goodwin’s Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Pharaoh English were at Laurinburg Sunday.

Miss Beatrice Childers spent Friday night of last week at Steele’s Mills.

Mr. Paul Webb was calling on Miss Grace McRae Sunday.

Mr. Marvin Wrape spent the evening Sunday at Miss Grace McRae’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Diggs of Steels Mills were at K.D. Grant’s Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eli English were at Mr. K.D. Grant’s Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eli English were at Mr. Jim Liles’ a while Sunday afternoon.

Mr. John Bruton of Hamelt was over to see Miss Idell Meacham a while Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Ross and baby are very sick at their home on Watson Heights.

Mr. G.A. McRae, Misses Grace McRae and Idell Meacham attended the preaching at the Holiness church at Hannah-Pickett Sunday night.

Miss Helen Grant was at preaching at Hannah-Pickett Sunday night.

Mrs. Alice Roller and Miss Lillie Holder were visiting Mrs. K.D. Grant Sunday afternoon.
                --Pumpkin Head

Card of Thanks
We wish to express our most sincere appreciation and thanks to our friends for their sympathy and many kindnesses shown us during the recent illness and bereavement of our dear son and brother, John Jr., and especial thanks to his friends, the auto mechanics and drivers, for the beautiful floral offerings. May the Lord’s richest blessings be with you.
                --Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Baker and family

In Memory of James Roller
Kindly permit me space in your columns for a few lines relative to the life of James Roller. During his entire life I had personal acquaintance with him and I never knew a better boy. He was possessed by nature of strong, fine qualities of noble manhood. He used these qualities always for good and with a generous heart. His death was a great shock to his many friends and it is so hard to believe it came by his own hand.
James thy gentle voice is hushed,
   Thy warm, true heart is stilled,
And on thy pale and peaceful face
   Is resting death’s cold chill.
Thy hands are folded upon thy breast,
   We have kissed thy marble brow,
And in our aching hearts we know
   You are with us no longer now.
He is gone, but not forgotten,
   Never will his memory fade,
Sweetest thoughts will ever linger
   Around the grave where he is laid.
                --A Friend

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