
Thursday, February 9, 2017

N.C. Senate Passes Law Forbidding Carrying of Pistols, 1917

From the Feb. 1, 1917 issue of the Hickory Daily Record

Raleigh, Feb. 1—The senate today passed a drastic law aimed at the carrying of pistols in North Carolina, providing for a minimum fine for the first offense of $50 or 30 days imprisonment.

Five educational bills designed to make uniform appointment of school boards through the central commission; elect county boards, and superintendents in all counties and one measure solely for Person County went upon the unfavorable calendar today.

These were the bills which were heard Tuesday evening. A conference this morning of the committee eliminated all, in the view of the report today it is accepted that there will be no material change in the educational policy.

The senate today passed a state boiler inspection law, with a $5 fee attached and providing a salary of $800 a year for the inspector.

The open formula bill, known legislatively as the Scales-Page or board of health patent medicine act, went to unanimous defeat in the senate committee last night, only one senator failing to vote against it. And he merely reserved the right to vote otherwise.

The house vote of seven to five last week looked overwhelmingly enough but the senate was sores for slaughter. There will be no minority report and the two houses may now work upon the Bennett senate bill and the Grantham house measure which has gone through the upper body and waits concurrence.

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