
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sketch of George Henry Blair's Life Upon His Death at Age 68, 1916

“George Henry Blair,” from the Watauga Democrat in Boone, N.C., Thursday, Feb. 3, 1916

The subject of this sketch was born March 25, 1847, and died Jan. 26, 1916, aged 68 years, 10 months and 1 day. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blair, who moved from Caldwell to Watauga in the early forties and settled on the beautiful farm on which his son died last Wednesday morning.

The house in which he [Henry Blair, the father] lived until his death in 1891 was erected in 1844, and the main body of the pretty Blair home of today is that built by Mr. Blair when he first moved to Watauga.

In this home Mr. George H. Blair first saw the light of day nearly 69 years ago and he died in the same house in which he was born.

Mr. Blair was first married to Miss Mary E. Councill of Boone on Jan. 2, 1872, who died Jan. 5, 1873, leaving an infant, Charlie Blair, who still resides at the old home. On Sept. 27, 1882 he was married again to Miss Mary A. Rousseau of Wilkesboro, to which union was born two sons and one daughter: Mr. Neal Blair who, with his little family, lives at the hold home; Mr. Julius Blair, a prominent business man of Greenville, Tenn., and Mrs. J. Gordon Ballew of Lenoir. He is also survived by his wife and one sister, Mrs. Rebecca Horton of Boone R.F.D., now 80 years of age, and one brother, Dr. J.C. Blair of Lenoir, who is now 82 years old.

For many years Mr. Blair was a very zealous member of the Masonic Fraternity, and always took a lively interest in its welfare, being an earnest believer in its teachings. On Thursday evening last, his remains were buried in the town cemetery, and, despite the fearfully bad weather, a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends were present to pay their last respects to the good man. The funeral was conducted at the home, but the Rev. John Carlton made a short but most appropriate talk at the grave, after which the body was turned over to the Order, who buried it with full Masonic honors.

In the death of Mr. George H. Blair it can truthfully be said that Watauga has lost one of her very best citizens. A scientific and prosperous farmer, a man who made money and was not afraid to let it go when charity or any other worthy object demanded it. His disposition was as sweet as a child, always meeting his friends with a smile, a word of cheer, and one always felt better after having come in contact with him. For many years he was a most devoted member of Three Fork Baptist Church, and we doubt if the church had a truer or more useful member than he.

Death never seems so sad when, to all appearances, a man’s life’s work is done—a highly respected family reared, an abundance left for them, and, above all, one who has lead the life of rectitude lead by our friend for whom we mourn today. He has passed to his reward, but his memory will ever remain green in the hearts of friends and loved ones, while his spirit is roaming in fields Elysium with the blood-washed and redeemed throng.

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