
Friday, February 24, 2017

Society Notes, Feb. 1, 1917, Hickory Daily Record

Society Notes, from the Feb. 1, 1917 issue of the Hickory Daily Record

Miss Reid Hostess

The Do-As-You-Please Club was delightfully entertained yesterday afternoon by Miss Gladys Reid with 12 members present. An hour was pleasantly spent in sewing and conversation and afterward the hostess served a delicious salad course. The next meeting will be with Miss Margaret Taylor.

With Mrs. Abernethy

The Cosmos Book Club was charmingly entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. F.A. Abernethy. The book for the afternoon was When a Man’s a Man by Harold Bell Wright. The hostess read very interesting criticisms, on the author and book. During the social hour Miss Louise Coleman, sister of the hostess, was a guest and delighted the club with several piano solos. The next meeting Feb. 14th with Mrs. C.E. McIntosh.

Mrs. Hutton Hostess

Mrs. G.N. Hutton was hostess yesterday afternoon to the Wednesday Afternoon Book Club with eight members present. Mrs. Hutton presided as president over the business meeting. The book for the afternoon was When a Man’s a Man by Harold Bell Wright. The hostess read interesting criticisms on the author and his books. A delicious four course luncheon was served. The decorations in the dining room being red carnations. The next meeting will be with Mrs. E.B. Menzies, February 28.

With Mrs. Abernethy

Mrs. C.E. Abernethy was the charming hostess to the Pleiades Book Club yesterday afternoon. An interesting discussion of her book Anthony the Absolute and its author, Samuel Mervin, was given by the hostess. After current events Mrs. James C. Shuford read an O. Henry story. In the dining room where and elegant four course luncheon was served, the table decorations were ferns and crocuses and the place cards hand painted pink roses. On this delightful occasion Mrs. W.E. McRorie, Mrs. E.C. Johnson and Miss Claire Sellers were guests. Mrs. Horace Lutz will have the next meeting February 14.

Hickory Book Club

The Hickory Book Club met at the home of Mrs. E. Chadwick yesterday afternoon. Ten members were present. The books were discussed with great animation and with widely varied opinions. The book for special consideration for the meeting was Domestic Life in Rumania. Mrs. Chadwick told of many interesting facts and customs of this country; recalled its gifted queen, best known by her pen-name Carmen Sylvia. Pictures of this lovely lady were shown and incidents of her life related. At the conclusion of the program, a most delectable luncheon in five courses was served, seasoned with wit and mirth and good fellowship. The centerpiece was a basket of daffodils, telling that spring is on the way. The place cards of yellow roses holding their upturned petals—not dew drops—but mints; were unusually attractive. The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. E.L. Shuford.

Philathea Class Meeting

The regular business meeting of the Philathea class of the Methodist Church will be held in the classroom tonight at 7:30. This is the first meeting of the year and a good attendance is desired. It is especially important that the officers be present with their reports.

Box Supper Saturday Night

A box supper will be given at the Sweetwater School Saturday night, beginning at 8 o’clock, and a fine entertainment is assured the young people who attend. This school is about a mile east of the corporate limits of Hickory and is easy to reach. Mr. C.E. Long is principal and Miss Charlotte Long is teacher of the primary grades.

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