
Friday, March 24, 2017

Editorial from Hickory Daily Record Calls for Concrete Road, 1907

From the editorial page of the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907; S.H. Farabee, editor.
The road from Hickory to Brookford ought to be built of concrete or some other permanent material. The principal street between East and West Hickory, where so much manufacturing is done, should be of similar material.
There is a chance of getting a hard surface road between Hickory and Brookford and the city council and the Hickory township road commission have indicated their intention of straining a point to meet the mill owners part of the way. That road should be built.
It is to be hoped that the finances can be secured for building a permanent street from West Hickory to East Hickory. That also is badly needed.
If the road tax in Hickory township could be increased a few cents on the hundred dollars, all the highways could be kept up properly and permanent pavement laid from time to time. Eventually the whole township would be fortified against the elements. It will take money to do this, but as soon as possible it should be done.

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