
Thursday, March 16, 2017

News Along Route 3, Lumberton, 1917

“Along Route 3,” from The Robesonian, Lumberton, March 1, 1917
Glad to See Mr. Norment’s Picture—Behind With Farm Work—A Mule Race—New Tobacco Barns—Tobacco Plants Coming Nicely—Hogs Running Loose
Lumberton, Rt. 3, Feb. 24—The greatest pleasure of anything that I have ever seen in the good old Robesonian was the very model of Mr. O.C. Norment, a great man of this world. He appeared as a loving father to everybody that knows him. It is a great pleasure to me to be in his presence. I love to hear his pleasant voice. We know the good lord has given him a long life for a purpose, which he will accomplish some day, then I believe he will hear that still small voice “Enter though into the joys of the Lord.”
Nothing new in these parts. The people are getting badly behind with their farm work on account of bad weather.
We had a great attraction last Saturday evening at 4 of the clock. Two negroes decided they had the best mules in the county, so they decided to try their speed for about a mile. They had a great crowd gathered up to see the sight. One was going to beat the other half the distance, but behold he only came out about a hundred yards ahead.
Mr. D. McIntyre is building a new tobacco barn. Mr. Charley and Lee Bass are also building a barn.
Tobacco plants are coming nicely.
Somebody is letting their hogs run out. He ought to shut them up. They are giving the people’s wheat trouble.
We are glad to read “Aunt Becky’s” war news, but we are a heap gladder we were not there.

1 comment:

  1. Did route 3 in Lumberton North Carolina change to route 10
