
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Northern Markets Paying Premium for N.C. Shad, 1919

The Independent, March 14, 1919
Shad May Be Short But Prices Aren’t
North Carolina Shad Fishermen Getting Good Returns for Their Product
North Carolina shad have sold for 28 cents to 40 cents a pound on the eastern markets this week, the lower price being for bucks, the fancy price for roes. The fishermen are not making big catches peculiar to former years but the fancy prices obtainable may offset this effect. There is no let up in the demand for North Carolina shad and many Fulton Street New York and Dock Street Philadelphia market merchants have their solicitors in the field. Most of the shad caught in these waters are sold or consigned to dealers whose ads are found in this newspaper.
A special train, secured largely thru the efforts of the Atlantic Coast Fisheries Co. and Wallace & Keeney Co. of New York takes fish from Elizabeth City thrice a week, making connection with Washington, Baltimore and New York steamers at Norfolk. Shad taken from these waters early yesterday morning, for instance, are on the New York market this afternoon and on sale at 2 o’clock to-morrow morning.

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