
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Orange County Payments for Work Done and For Charity, March, 1908

From the Orange County Observer, Hillsborough, N.C., Thursday, March 26, 1908.
The following accounts were allowed by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County at regular monthly meeting held on Monday, March 2, 1908:
Carolina Engineering Company, building of steel bridge over Morgan’s Creek, at Purefoy’s Mill near Chapel Hill, $2,125
O.J. & B.B. Forres, supplies for County Home, $44.04
W.W. Warren, work at County Home, $9.77
R.J. Carden, 4 pigs for County Home, $9
Trustees Fairfield Church, interest on note to March 2, 1908, $6
Elizabeth Lloyd, support, $1.50
Nancy Woods, support, $5
Cot Riley, support, $5
Mary J. Andrews, support children two months, $4
H.W. & J.C. Webb, supplies for jail, $38.11
H.W. & J.C. Webb, supplies for County Home, $21.87
Willis and Betsy Ann Cates, support, $2.50
B.M. Roberson, building bridge, $25.60
Ann Russell, support for two months, $2
George Laws, coffin and grave for Becky Riley, $6
Susan Burch, support, $2
Mary Sykes, support, $2
Sterling Browning, Commissioner, for his attendance, $7.60
J.F. McAdams, Commissioner, for his attendance, $14.84
John Laws, attendance on board, wood, labor, etc., $12.25
Sheriff Andrews for boarding prisoners, etc., $68.40
Crabtree and Thompson for arresting escaped prisoners, $10
Miss Newman, support, $1.50
Treasurer Harry L. Parish, commissioners, $104.85
The following persons were allowed $1 each for “outside support”:
Robert Ashley, Henry Pratt, Jack Wilson, Aaron Woods, Ann Carrington, Ann Scarlett, Anna White, Lewis Walton, Larcena Riley, Mary Smith, Julia Roberts, W.A. Dorherty, Prior Warren, Harper Allison, Dave Latta, Mag Hicks, Aletha Crabtree, Linday Davis, Wm. Dodd, Nancy Crabtree, Sallie Lloyd, Miss Picket, Miss Mulhouse, Margaret Ellis, Mrs. Boggs.

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