
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Social News, Drum-Price Wedding, March 10, 1907

Local news from the Hickory Daily Record, March 10, 1907
Mr. John Carpenter of Granite Falls died suddenly this morning about 5 o’clock, according to news reaching Hickory. He is survived by a wife and five children.
Friends of Squire S.E. Killian are glad to see him out after an illness that kept him indoors several weeks. He is looking good and says he feels much better.
Mrs. M.L. Flowe leaves today for Raleigh to visit her son, Mr. B.B. Flowe.
Mrs. Lallie Peacock has returned from Washington and Baltimore.
Dr. O.J. Corpening of Granite Falls was a business visitor to Hickory today.
Mr. James Ballinger, a freight conductor, was slightly injured here today by falling off his cab. One of his legs was sprained.
Mr. B.B. Hayes of Hudson was a business visitor to Hickory today.
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Wagoner have returned from their bridal trip south. Mrs. Wagoner formerly was Miss Mabel Long.
Prof. J.F. Coble, faculty director of athletics, and Mr. R.O. McCoy, manager of the baseball team, went to Newton today to confer with representatives of Catawba College in regard to the details of the three annual games to be played with Lenoir College this spring. The first contest will be played here on Saturday, March 31; the second at Newton on Easter Monday, April 9; and the third in Hickory on April 30. Inasmuch as there always is some dissension about the umpiring it is planned to secure an outsider to run the games.
The Ivey Mills Company, one of the best known textile plants in the state, has added to its lines of fabrics the manufacture of plain good suitable for handkerchief and other articles requiring soft, fine weave. The raw cotton is converted into the finished product in Hickory, and one may purchase handkerchiefs made out of Ivey cloth simply by calling for them at the stores. Mr. A.G. Kirkpatrick makes the handkerchiefs.
Miss Emily Coyner left today for Tampa and other points in Florida, where she will take a vacation of several weeks.
The Home Circle Society spent a most delightful afternoon Thursday with Mrs. Claude Wilifong at her home in Longview. Eight members and one guest, Mrs. Carpenter, were present. After spending some time in doing fancy work and exchanging ideas, delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. G.W. Miller will be the next hostess, March 22. Through the kindness of Mrs. John Moose and Mrs. Hutchison the guests were conveyed to and from the meeting.
Miss Mary Bloant Martin was the charming hostess to the As You Like It Club yesterday afternoon. Ten members were present. After games on the lawn, the young ladies occupied themselves finding missing words to a St. Patrick’s Day story. Miss Janie Menzies filled out all the blanks properly and received for her pains a green silk handkerchief. The green color scheme was carried out in the delicious refreshments to honor the saint who exterminated the snakes in Ireland. The meeting adjourned to meet on March 23 with Miss Catherine Menzies.
On Tuesday evening the Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity was entertained at the home of Mrs. A.L. Deal with Mesdames A.L. Deal, J.A. Moretz and W.H. Wilfong as hostesses. The house was beautifully decoratead with jonquils and pot plants. The subject for the evening was foreign and home mission territory. After the interesting program, the society adjourned and hostesses assisted by Miss Florence Leonard served a dainty ice course. The next meeting will be held the first Tuesday in April at the parsonage.
Wedding at Newton
Newton, March 10—Thursday evening at 8:15 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sanders, a pretty but quiet wedding was celebrated when Miss Eva Drum, sister of Mrs. Sanders, became the bride of Mr. William Price of New Castle, Delaware. Rev. W.L. Hutchins of the Methodist Church and pastor of the bride and groom, performed the ceremony, which was very impressive. Only a few friends and the immediate family of the contracting parties were present. These were Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Honeycutt, Misses Mae Bowman, Lillie Willis, Marie Drum, sister of the bride, Gertrude Sanders, and Elvie Sanders and Herbert Lowry.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. H.E. Drum of Morganton but has made her home here with her sister for several years. She recently held a position with the Germale Store as saleslady. She is one of Newton’s most popular young ladies and number her friends by the score.

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