
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mill Workers Urged to Spend 10% of Pay on War Bonds, 1945

The Mill Whistle, April 9, 1945. Issued every two weeks by and for the employees of Marshall Field & Company, Manufacturing Division, Spray, N.C. How did the United States pay for its wars in the past? In World War I and World War II the federal government issued War Bonds and patriotic citizens bought them, supplying at least some of the money to support the war. In addition to paying your taxes, you were strongly encouraged to spend another 10 percent of your take-home pay on bonds, and your employer and co-workers knew if you were doing this, because the money was withheld from your paycheck and those who bought bonds as requested were publicly praised.

Biggest War Bond Drive Now On

Six times since the war began our government has called on us to buy War Bonds, and six times the men and women of Marshall Field & Company have responded whole-heartedly.

Now our government is calling on us again; this time for more than we have ever subscribed before. The United States Treasury has established the highest goals for sales to individuals of any War Loan Drive to date, because it is absolutely necessary to secure this money to carry the war to a successful close.

In this drive each of our mills will direct its own campaign, and each department in every mill will be given a poster showing the quota for the department. This poster will show progress made from week to week and should be the means of keen competition between the various mills and departments.
Every employee of the company will be given an opportunity to participate in this drive, which begins on April 9th and ends on July 7th.

Our company has a goal to reach, and we must reach it. All purchases of Bonds during the dates of April 9th-July 7th—either through pay roll savings plan or cash—will apply toward the goal for our company.

One reason why our goal is high is because there will be only two War Bond Drives in 1945, whereas there were three in 1944. The total amount employees are asked to purchase is no greater than that of last year.

And remember, your money will be returned to you with interest. You are simply lending it for the purpose of bringing the war to a close much sooner, thus helping to bring home the men who are fighting it.

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