
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Personal News, Local Items from Roanoke Rapids, Stancell, Rosemary, 1917

From the Roanoke Rapids Herald, April 6, 1917

Roanoke Rapids Personal and Local Items

J.W. Sanderford of Raleigh has accepted a position with the Herald Publishing Company.

Nathaniel Macon has returned from Raleigh where he was taking a textile course.

Mrs. R.H. Parker of Tarboro spent Monday here with her son E.A. Parker, business manager of the Musical Walker Comedy Company.

Mrs. J.L. Daughtry spent Tuesday in Halifax on business.

Mr. G.D. Shell spent Tuesday in Halifax on business.

Miss Susie Zollicoffer of Weldon spent Tuesday in town on business.

W.B. Swindell was called to his home in Swan Quarter last week on account of the death of his mother. His many friends here sympathize with him in his sorrow and grief.

W.D. Tillery spent Tuesday in Richmond on business.

Mrs. W.B. Vincent and daughter of Vultare spent Tuesday in town on business.

Miss Zoe Porter spent Wednesday in Henderson as a judge in the Vance County Commencement.

Miss Mattie Rice of Greenville is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.B. Glover.

Miss Odessa Rowell of Garysburg spent Tuesday here with her aunt, Mrs. Laura Faison.

The Crochet Club meets with Mrs. J.R. Morhorn Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.

L.W. Clements of Stancell, N.C., spent Saturday in town on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Jones of Weldon spent a few hours in town Tuesday on business.

Willie Grimmer of Tarboro spent the week end with relatives and friends here.

Mrs. G.D. Shell returned Saturday from Baltimore where she has been on a business trip.

Mrs. T.R. Manning of Henderson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C.A. Wyche.

Rev. Stanley White left Tuesday for a few days in Richmond.

Mr. Job Taylor, who has been in Chicago on business, returned home Wednesday.

The Presbyterian Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. J.T. Chase Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock. The Easter mite boxes will be taken in and opened at this meeting.

Mr. George Robin and Mr. Howard Woodleaf of Durham are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Mohorn.

Mr. Fred Peck returned Wednesday after a 10-days business trip.

J.T. Moyton and family of Durham have moved here to work for Roanoke Mills Co.

S.F. Patterson is in Philadelphia on business.

Miss Ella Lee Chauncey spent the week end at her home in Washington.

Stancell Items

Messrs. Charlie and Will House of Thelma attended the play here Saturday night.

Mrs. J.A. Vincent spent Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Jim Baird.

Dr. T.H. Valentine was in Emporia Friday on business.

Mrs. Lena Wynne and Mrs. B.W. Vincent spent several days last week with Mrs. Vaden Wynne at Camp 2.

Messrs. C.B. and R.H. Gray spent Monday in Jackson on business.

Mrs. Herbert Valentine and Miss Mosley of Valentine spent the week end here with Mrs. T.H. Valentine.

Rev. W.R. Bailey filled his regular appointment here Sunday A.M.

“Alice in Wonderland” was successfully played at Vultare School House Saturday night.
Messrs. B.M. Pugh and C.W. Vincent were in Jackson Monday on business.

Misses Katherine Bourne and Elizabeth Laye spent the week end with Mrs. T.H. Valentine.
Mr. Rufus Gray and Miss Blanche Vincent were in Emporia a short while Sunday.

Rosemary Personal and Local Items

J.H. Harrison spent Sunday in Brinkleyville with friends and relatives.

Alex Green of Weldon was in town Tuesday a short while on business.

W.D. Odom spent Wednesday in Jackson with friends and relatives.

Miss Pattie Byrd visited friends in Emporia Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Coley of Thelma is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. S.M. Thompson

Misses Elizabeth and Helen Fisher left Saturday for Baltimore where they will spend several weeks with relatives.

Miss Grace Crumpler of Franklin, Va., is visiting in the home of J.L. Britt.

W.E. Froelich spent a few days the past week in Winston-Salem with friends.

C.B. Moore of Henrico spent Monday and Tuesday here on business.

Mrs. Joe Brown left the past week for Rocky Mount where she is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. McDonald.

R.L. Byrd of Emporia spent the week end here with his family.

Messrs. G.H. Lewis and E.V. Hux of Aurelian Springs spent a few hours here Wednesday.

R.F. Cannon left the past week for Philadelphia where he has accepted a position.

H.E. Dobbins spent the day Monday in Halifax on business.

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. McGee spent several days in Haw River this week.

Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Crews returned Monday from Richmond where they visited friends.

Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Clippard of Northampton County visited relatives here this week.

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