
Monday, April 17, 2017

Still Destroyed, Liquor in Car Seized in Lewis Fork Section, 1933

The Journal-Patriot, North Wilkesboro, N.C., April 3, 1933

Dry Officers Capture Four…Eight Gallons of Liquor Found on Car; “Watch” Man Is Caught

Four men were arrested and eight gallons of liquor confiscated in raids made Thursday by prohibition agents in the county.

Cleve Marley was caught in the Lewis Fork section Thursday afternoon in a raid made by Agents H.C. Kilby and D.C. Dettor, who were assisted by Deputy Marshal H.H. Jennings, M.S. Phillips and T.M. Setzer. Marley, it was stated, was a “watch” man and fired a warning shot to operators of a still, which was later destroyed, who escaped. Before he could get away himself, however, the officers placed him under arrest. After a hearing before Commissioner J.W. Dula, he was released under bond of $500.

Agents J.L. Moore and N.S. Cooper caught Boss Absher, Doc Absher and Coy Pruitt with eight gallons of liquor on their car in the Lomax section. Pruitt was released until the next term of court under bond of $500, while the others, unable to furnish bond, were committed to jail in Wilkesboro.
Arrest of the trio was made Thursday night.

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