
Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Hairston Men are Brave Soldiers, 1945

The Mill Whistle, April 9, 1945. Issued every two weeks by and for the employees of Marshall Field & Company, Manufacturing Division, Spray, N.C.

Ben D. Hairston as he looked while with the A.E.F. in 1918. He spent several months in France with Pershing’s army, returning to work for the company for about 20 years. His son, Pfc. Bennie D. Hairston Jr., has been in service for two years, most of which has been overseas. He is stationed somewhere in Belgium.

The three brothers shown above are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hairston of Draper. Sgt. Harry Hairston has been in service three years. Lewis Hairston Jr. has been in service two years. Both Harry and Lewis are now somewhere in the South Pacific. Pfc. Ivery Hairston has been in service for one year and is now at Camp Kearney, Nebraska. All three men were formerly employed in the Blanket Mill.

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