
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

World War I 'War Briefs' by Wire, April 24, 1917

From The Day Book, April 24, 1917

War Briefs by Wire

Christiania—If America refuses to sell foodstuffs to neutrals Norway will starve.

Christiania—Norwegian steamers Peive and Skjold torpedoed and sunk. Crews saved.

Washington, D.C.—President Wilson Signed $7 billion bond issue bill today. It is now law.

New York—Seven of New York’s biggest men’s clubs will go on war diet to conserve food supply.

Philadelphia—One of the most powerful radio stations in world being built at Philadelphia navy yard.

Washington—Petition for universal military service signed by 1 million New Yorkers to be presented to Congress today.

Washington—Despite U-boats, American exports in March reached $551,278,000, which has been exceeded by only one other month in the country’s history: last January.

The Hague—German foreign office has notified all remaining American newspapermen in Germany that their presence “is no longer desirable.”

Washington—Gen. Joffre, Premiere Viviani and the entire French war commission have expressed desire to visit Chicago. They will have their wish.

Paris—Since Germany has announced that, contrary to all rules of international law and humanity, it would torpedo hospital ships without warning, France will embark German prisoners on these vessels.

Philadelphia—Workmen repairing Hamburg-American liners Prinz Oscar and Rhaetie discover hidden bombs so arranged as to blow ships to pieces with American crews on board when engines would be started.

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