
Saturday, May 20, 2017

Brevard College Announces 'Superlatives' at Amateur Night, 1936

From The Clarion, The Brevard College Weekly, May 15, 1936
Freshmen Elect Superlatives; Amateur Night Winners Named
At the call meeting of the freshman class last Saturday, May 9, the freshman class elected class superlatives by Australian ballot, with no nominations made and each member voting for anyone he desired.
The election was conducted by two sophomores and the results were kept secret until Amateur Night, when they were announced by the president of the class as he took the sealed envelopes with the winners’ names tightly enclosed.
Winners of second places were first announced, and then the winners came to the rostrum to make their bow. Those elected were as follows:
Best-looking boy, Ward Everhart;
Best-looking girl, Bernice Brantly;
Best all-round boy, Odell Salmon;
Best all-round girl, Evelyn Smith;
Most intellectual boy, Marshall Houts;
Most intellectual girl, Evelyn Swaringen;
Most popular boy, Jack Armstrong;
Most popular girl, Satenik Nahikian;
Friendliest boy, Bill Patton;
Friendliest girl, Betty Brookshire;
Most original boy, Jack Armstrong;
Most original girl, Price Cornelius.
Entertainment for Amateur Night was given in song, dance and readings.
Jane Alexander, who played a semi-classical piano solo, was declared by the judges, Miss Rowena Orr, Mr. C. R. Douglas, and Mr. Robert Kimsey, as the winner. Miss Alexander was awarded an enlargement of herself and a school banner. Frances Goforth and Eunice McCall were second, Bessie Morrison, third; Jack Armstrong, fourth; and Alice Louise Scott, fifth. All of these were presented a school banner.

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